Hi! Everyone…I need urgent help regarding KDE…i.e.,
Command ‘/usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US’ not found
Please help me!!!
with regards,
Hi! Everyone…I need urgent help regarding KDE…i.e.,
Command ‘/usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US’ not found
Please help me!!!
with regards,
Some more information could help people who eventualy can help you.
What level openSUSE. Where, when do you get the error message. Anything that might be usefull to people that are not sitting near you when you work on your system. Because all crystal balls are banned from the forums.
hcvv adjusted his/her AFDB on Thu 20 May 2010 22:36 to write:
> Some more information could help people who eventualy can help you.
> What level openSUSE. Where, when do you get the error message. Anything
> that might be usefull to people that are not sitting near you when you
> work on your system. Because all crystal balls are banned from the
> forums.
I think the Op means when you try to use the login screen editor in the KDE
system settings, if you try and use a custom login screen instead of the
branded SuSE one and d/load new ones from the app ( as root cos you need to
supply root pass ) and then press apply you get thet error message.
I have noticed this here for quite some time on 11.2 the KDE version does
not matter as far as I recall it has happened with all KDE4 versions in 11.2
upto present.
I get a GB lang error, have not looked into it but tried a while ago and
forgot to investigate as it was not a biggy for me, machines on 24/7 anyway
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No one have got solution regarding this error::
“Command ‘/usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US’ not found”
I tried to add language using “kcmshell4 language” but can’t
What is the problem behind this???
Help me please!!!
Ok you need to be more specific. I don’t think anyone knows exactly what you are seeing. ie when does this happen when you are doing what? What languages are you using? is us-eng the base install language?
Thank you…but till I haven’t got the solution.
Yes, em’ using eng_US as default language.
But when I try to change login theme it gives error message as follows:
“Command ‘/usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang en_US’ not found”
I have tried to configure language using “kcmshell4 language” but can’t add language…why???
please help meh…please!!!
Dear prakashrai838,
Please, please listen and take the time to read the posts you got until now. And then read them again! People are asking you several times what you are doing. You want to change something. That is OK, But what are you doing? Clicking somewhere, when yes where? Typing something, when yes , what?
You seem to think that everybody here is doing the same thing as you all day long, but they don’t and they do NOT KNOW or SEE what you are doing.
Thus post here EXACT what you type and what error you get by copy/paste. Or take a screenshot, put it on a free picture server and post the link here.
We are not clairvoyant.
hcvv adjusted his/her AFDB on Fri 21 May 2010 20:26 to write:
> Dear prakashrai838,
> Please, please listen and take the time to read the posts you got until
> now. And then read them again! People are asking you several times what
> you are doing. You want to change something. That is OK, But what are
> you doing? Clicking somewhere, when yes where? Typing something, when
> yes , what?
I know what he is doing i posted in my reply that he using the control
centre, system settings>Syatem>Login Manager.
Here once you have entered the root pass you can change the way the login
screen looks with themes from KDE look.
If you try and change from the default SuSE green login screen it throws
this error ( I get the GB lang not the US lang error ) it is some param that
is being tagged onto the kcmshell command as far as I can see.
I only tried it myself once and forgot it afterwards as I do not reboot or
leave a session very often.
The only way I managed to even alter the login was to remove the SuSE
branded and go upstream for it.
however I still cannot change it so that it uses any other theme which can
be d/loaded from the net via the app.
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OK, I accept that this then is the most obvious way he is trying to follow (or you are clairvoyant ).
I hope the OP undestands what you say.
hcvv adjusted his/her AFDB on Fri 21 May 2010 21:06 to write:
> OK, I accept that this then is the most obvious way he is trying to
> follow (or you are clairvoyant ).
> I hope the OP undestands what you say.
Well I am only going on my experience, as I stated though I do not know the
fix for it.
I still cannot get the login manager to change to any other theme other than
by changing to the upstream, however that is just a different one, it still
does not allow the user to change to any other theme that can be d/loaded by
the login manager.
It still throws the error about the kcmshell and lang.
I am not sure if this is to do with the way that SuSE has branded the login
screen or if it is just the lang param that is passed to the command.
As I say I only tried it once, it did not work and promptly forgot about it,
this was ages ago when 11.2 was released so it is still happening through
all the KDE updates and even has moved to 4.4.3, which is making me think
that it seems blocked at a deeper level than just KDE.???
And no, not Clair anybody
If I get chance this wekend I might have a look but I am not going to be
here for a while, so I was hoping someone might be able to jump in with a
quick fix or if it was a known “feature” that I had missed
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baskitcaise adjusted his/her AFDB on Fri 21 May 2010 21:33 to write:
Just in case anyone is still following this thread.
I have managed to change the login theme however it is a bit of a hack and
not at all the way it “should” be done.
It appears that the kdmrc that is in /usr/share/kde4/config/kdm that is
generated when you change anything in the Login section of System
Settings>System>Login Manager is not taken into account when the system
It appears that the default config in /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager is over
riding the choices, I would have thought that the opposite was supposed to
Well this morning I just changed the:
In /etc/sysconfig/displaymanager
To: ( for example one I have here )
Of course I have that theme installed already, you can see which themes are
installed by looking in:
and just take the dir name as the variable.
That should be it but if after a logout it still insists on showing the
default as root navigate to /var/adm/kdm/ and delete the kdmrc.sysconfig,
this is only a temp file and will be recreated when you logout again from the
edited sysconfig file giving you the one you desire.
Now this is just a quick hack I am trying to follow this around to see if
there is a more elegant and correct way of getting the GUI version of ypour
choice to be taken as the one you want and to do what it should and also for
this to be reflected at login.
Stay tuned, although I cannot promise anything today as I am a bit pushed
for time.
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baskitcaise adjusted his/her AFDB on Sun 30 May 2010 13:11 to write:
> Stay tuned, although I cannot promise anything today as I am a bit pushed
> for time.
Of course you could also change the variable in:
YaST>System>/etc/sysconfig Editor>Desktop>Display
And this does the same job as editing the sysconfig file by hand but that is
too easy.
As always if there is a hard way of doing it I will try that first.
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I would expect that the system settings control since when KDM runs no user is logged in. Which user settings should it use??
gogalthorp adjusted his/her AFDB on Sun 30 May 2010 18:16 to write:
> I would expect that the system settings control since when KDM runs no
> user is logged in. Which user settings should it use??
Well when you use the System settings and go to the login manager section
you have to give root pass and this alters the kdmrc file in the correct dir,
however SuSE takes no notice of this file and uses the one in /etc/sysconfig.
I would have thought that there would have been a check of some sort that
would use the kdmrc and override the sysconfig one, if you look in your logs
you might see entries that do say that multiple entries are detected so
maybe somewhere in the bowels it does look at the new rc but throws the
changes out and just goes with the sysconfig one.
So to cut a long story short if you just want to change the theme then use
Yast>System>/etc/sysconfig editor>Desktop>DISPLAYMANAGER_KDM_THEME and enter
the name of the theme you want.
This however does not as far as I can see give you the options of changing
the font ( anti aliasing and such ) it may be possible but I have not looked
that far into it to be honest, I just chased it back to see if I could get
it to work.
If I get time I will see if there is a way.
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baskitcaise adjusted his/her AFDB on Sun 30 May 2010 22:50 to write:
> gogalthorp adjusted his/her AFDB on Sun 30 May 2010 18:16 to write:
>> I would expect that the system settings control since when KDM runs no
>> user is logged in. Which user settings should it use??
Oh by the way, I don`t know if you have noticed but after the latest 4.4.3
update ( Friday I think ) the login manager in System settings no longer
throws a lang error when you try and save, it also does change the kdmrc file
and all is good it is just not used.
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