I’ve gone to the appropriate page (https://forums.opensuse.org/profile.php?do=editpassword) and, in the box labeled “Enter your present password to continue:”, entered the very same password I’d just used to log in. Then I entered the new password in the appropriate boxes and click on “save changes”.
“The password you have entered does not match your current one. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don’t forget that the password is case sensitive…”
I’ve tried repeatedly over the course of two days and always get the same result, consequently I’m unable to change my password.
I would never have thought to look there, since there’s what appears to be a very standard method (that is unfortunately non-functional) apparently available (when logged) in at Settings>My Account>Edit Email and Password. Perhaps this is an area in which the site could be improved. Perhaps that “Edit Email and Password” could be modifieded to read “Edit Email” and a second link to “Edit Password” be created that would take the user to the location robin_listas pointed me to.
> That did the trick, thanx
> I would never have thought to look there, since there’s what appears to
> be a very standard method (that is unfortunately non-functional)
> apparently available (when logged) in at Settings>My Account>Edit Email
> and Password. Perhaps this is an area in which the site could be
> improved. Perhaps that “Edit Email and Password” could be modifieded to
> read “Edit Email” and a second link to “Edit Password” be created that
> would take the user to the location robin_listas pointed me to.
That would require modifying the vBulletin source files, which would make
it much more difficult for us to apply security patches, since we’d have
to regress the change every time.
The upside of our authentication mechanism, though, is that the passwords
aren’t stored in the database that holds the rest of the forum content
(messages, etc).
That means that a theft like what unfortunately happened at the Ubuntu
forums recently is far less likely here.