Here’s the historyof this issue: The system has been running only openSUSE since about2016 with upgrade 3 months +/- after each new rev came out. Alwaysdone by reinstalling while reusing the old /home. Both / and /homewere ext4 and remain so (“if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”).
When I got to 15.1all was fine for many months until one day the system would not boot. Shortly after thegrub selection the screen went black, keyboard became non-functioning, mouse cursor showed and responded to mouse movements. In the upper left corner of the otherwise black screen was a blinkinghyphen or underscore (maybe supposed to be a prompt (?)) that didnothing but blink.
I didn’t bother toinvestigate, as I was in a big hurry, so I just re-installed and wentback to work. All was fine for a while until the problem returned,exactly like before. Again I was in a hurry, so I tried a Mint 20live disk. All seemed to go well, so I installed Mint and went backto work for about a week, until the problem returned.
This time I finallygot time to really pay attention, so I installed 15.2 (still the same/home from the start), and I waited. After only two days it happenedagain.
OK, enough history. Reading through this forum I got the idea to boot to a thumb driveand check to see if the / partition was full. It was, despite being39 Gb, so I used a gparted disk and gave the partition another 18Gb.
When I rebooted allwent well until I left the room for an hour. When I came back thescreen was dark, no surprise likely power saving, however the PCwould not wake up. I powered down and restarted, but the old issuewas back, so I couldn’t boot up. Again I used a live disk to bootand checked the disk usage only to find that the newly expanded 57Gbpartition now had no free space!
Furtherinvestigation shows that /var/logscontains now 47.6Gb.
Atthis point I would greatly appreciate some advice.
Thesystem is a Lenovo P580 laptop. Intel i7 with integrated GPU, noother GPU, 16Gb RAM, 1Tb SSD, openSUSE Leap 15.2 only (no dual bootever). /home and / are stillext4. KDE desktop.
(SorryI can’t give more conventional diagnostics, but I can’t even bootup).