I’ve installed opensuse 11.3 on my computer (well actually I’ve done it twice, once with full DVD image and once with network install). Everything was OK until I’ve made update (yast/software/online update ← BTW kupdate applet isn’t working, just update bar appear and stuck on 0%). i haven’t installed any additional packages, only the defaults (KDE desktop). after update only fail safe option is working (booting normally and looks like normal desktop, no visual differences between normal and fail safe booting, if there should been any). When I’ve tried to find solution for this problem, very ofter answers were → graphic drivers problem (im using ati hd 4670 AGP ← yea, AGP :). well when i start normal boot green screen with lizard logo appear, then screen goes black for a second or two, then the green screen come again, and after another few second screen goes black permanently with working hdd for 30-40 second (hdd led blinking) BTW i have windows7 pro (booting fine) on this machine too, it was installed as first system on hd0,0. opensuse was installed on stand alone PATA disk (secondary EIDE master, ODD on slave). Please give me advices how to gather info which u all need to get this problem more detailed. I’m pretty new to Linux systems so im really begging u for help
PS> sorry for my English, its not my native language.
i will try to make all steps I’ve made chronologically:
clean install —> default settings. after installing packages auto restart
first black screen —> green lizard screen, black screen for few seconds, green lizard screen, black screen and after few seconds no respond from hdd or keyboard (i dont know if its good combination by I’ve tried ctrl+alt+f1 to bring out console)
hard restart → hail the reset button
normal boot
no action from kupdate applet (green icon in lower right corner of the screen close to clock)
yast/software/online update —> took about 40 minutes (kernel was changed)
restart —> system normally closed, bios… and
same situation like in point 2
angain point 3
fail safe boot ----> and everything works (except hardware 3D acceleration)
what can i say etech97? Thank You!
BTW for other people that will have similar problem. 1st point of tutorial in link placed by etech97 resolved my problem. according to 11.3 release note i have some kind of a problem with KMS (Kernel module settings). ive placed in /boot/grub/menu.lst appropriate attribute (nomodeset) and everything is working. ive used 6th point of that tutorial also. which is installed proprietary drivers from ati.
Follow the instructions one the site to remove the driver you should get radonhd by default then. But normally the propritary driver is better. What video card do you have?