Typo in KDE login screen message

Did you notice this?
If you enter an invalid login, the message “Login failec” is displayed for a moment.
KDE 4.4.1 (Release 225)

I think this is the place to go: https://bugs.kde.org/ :stuck_out_tongue:

Bug #230189 at https://bugs.kde.org

As per the KDE guys:
the string “failec” does not appear anywhere in the upstream kdm sources. you might be using a broken localization or a distributor-patched version.

Hm, do you use any translation? Yes I see it is english what you have, but it could be a special form of english (USA, british).

Else the openSUSE bugzilla would be the next place. If you are willing to put the effort in it for such a minor slip. But otoh it is sometimes nice to find out the ways these Bugzilas and the like function. lol!

I can confirm this bug, same behaviour here on SuSE11.2 / KDE4.4.1, release 227.

It is the default English installation only.

I searched in the opensuse branding files but couldn’t find this.

This is still there in opensuse 11.3! No one could locate where exactly this is coming from?

When looking very close, one will notice that the KDM-message does not say ‘login failec’ but ‘login failed’ with the ‘d’ being cut off on the right side.

This is true. Even other stuff displayed there have same problem (Look at the text strings displayed at the bottom left corner).

This is true. It s happening to other stuff displayed on the same screen too. Look at the text strings displayed at the bottom-left corner.