Two small questions to make it easier to output logs

  1. How do I output this log file in plain language? Which command and syntax?

kone1:/var/log/libvirt/qemu # l LinuxMint21.1.log
-rw------- 1 root root 234075 Jun 21 13:39 LinuxMint21.1.log
kone1:/var/log/libvirt/qemu #

  1. How do I change the language in the command/output to English? See output below

Jun 21 04:11:54 kone1 systemd[1596]: Started Virtuaalikoneiden hallitsin.

In this journalctl log Virtuaalikoneiden hallitsin is Finnish but it should be in English.
Some parameter should be at the end of the command? But I don’t find what it is. Something like
journalctl ?

In general you can tell a program to output it’s texts in a certain language by having the correct process environment.

For system tools, where you want e.g. to post here in the Englisg section, it is best to use system language C (English of a kind)

Thus e.g.

LANG=C zypper lr -d


LANG=C sytemctl status ....

But in an existing log file, the text is already output by the program/tool/system. You can not change that afterwards, the log listing tool does not know the several translations that all the original programs/tools have internal.So it may show it’s own messages in English, but what is copied from the contents of the log is just as it was logged.

BTW, that is why I have chosen English as the system language at installation. I installed also the language packages my users may need and the users self can then configure what they want to see (e.g. in their Desktop settings).

Journal uses system locale:

3400g:~ # localectl
System Locale: LANG=en_GB.utf8
    VC Keymap: de-nodeadkeys
   X11 Layout: de
    X11 Model: microsoftpro
  X11 Variant: nodeadkeys
  X11 Options: terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp
3400g:~ # 

Sample output:

3400g:~ # journalctl -b -1 -u dup.service -g package
Jun 21 04:51:15 3400g zypper[5669]: Reading installed packages...
Jun 21 04:51:16 3400g zypper[5669]: The following 14 packages are going to be upgraded:
Jun 21 04:51:16 3400g zypper[5669]: 14 packages to upgrade.
3400g:~ # 

Thanks everybody!

I have been thinking for a long time whether I should change the language to English, but it has its own problems, because I think in Finnish and its structure is completely different from the English language.

Actually, when I started using openSUSE (version 9.3?) I used English for a long time, but then I switched to Finnish because my mother used her own computer in Finnish of course. BTW she was 89 years old when she died and was still using her computer until her death.

When you re-read my post above. My system is in English, but the users (myself included), have Nederlands as language in the desktop.

Hey, this is Unix/Linux, a multi-user and multi-session operating system. Each user has her/his own language, date/time and money formatting and time zone.