I’m the author of the Seergdb front-end to gdb. The wonderful people at NVidia have created a version of gdb with additional cuda commands. I’d like to add these to my Seergdb debugger.
So far, I’ve found it’s difficult to debug a cuda program when the Desktop is sharing the same Nvidia card. So I’ve found a cheap/old laptop that has an Intel integrated gpu and a NVidia card. I’d like the Desktop to use the Intel gpu and have the NVidia gpu solely for cuda development (No Desktop stuff).
And it boots to using the Intel card for the desktop, which is good.
My question is, what magic to I need to do to get the NVidia card “loaded” with drivers so that I can do Cuda development. I suspect there are some X11 config changes?
I’ve already have the nvidia drivers installed that meet the requirements of my older card.
@ernie.pasveer No, it shows in the inxi output and I see nosimplefb=1 which is correct, you might want to add fbdev=1 in the grub options as well…
So your likely issue is suse-prime, bumblebee and bbswitch packages installed blocking the Nvidia driver as it shows N/A.
What I suggest is using switcherooctl to launch an application with Nvidia gpu, it does seem to work better than suse-prime.
So, you need to check what is installed with zypper se -i suse-prime bumble bbswitch The -i switch shows what is installed, they all need to be deleted.
Then after removal if you don’t see the initrd rebuild, need to check what is lurking in the initrd as root user with lsinitrd | grep -E "nvidia|nouveau
Hopefully at this point any suse-prime xorg.conf is removed so check in /etc/X11 and /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directories for any conf files with ls -laR /etc/X11
# zypper se -i suse-prime bumble bbswitch
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
i | plasma5-applet-suse-prime | Plasma 5 applet for controlling SUSE Prime | package
i | suse-prime | GPU (nvidia/intel) selection for NVIDIA optimus laptops with bbswitch support | package
tigger:~ #
@ernie.pasveer yes, since nothing else is installed should be good, plus add locks so they don’t get installed again zypper al suse-prime plasma5-applet-suse-prime