Two annoying problems with Leap 15.1 and Plasma desktop.

Hello all,

I just installed openSUSE Leap 15.1 with plasma desktop on a notebook and I run into two annoying things and I hope somebody here can help me to find a solution.

  1. When I shutdown or restart the notebook, the systems hangs after the point where it says: “reached shutdown”
    It does not shutdown or restart. Strange thing, sometimes it does work correctly. (I experience the same problem with my pc b.t.w.)

  2. With my two pc’s (one at work and one at home) I can drag an application e.g. Dolphin from the startmenu to the taskbar and create a shortcut there.
    With my laptop, i can do the same but somehow it enables “pin” and when I start that application, the shortcut disappears until the application is closed,
    then it comes back. That behaviour is not what I want but if I “unpin” the shortcut on the taskbar, the shortcut disappears.
    What I want is a shortcut on the taskbar that does not disappear when I start that application. How do I do that?
    With my other two pc’s I can drag applications from the menu to the taskbar and it doesn’t become magically “pinned”.
    Any clues?



Please, please, when you have two problesm, start two threads. Each needs it’s own title with the keywords that will draw the attention of people who might be able to help you. Theu will probably noy open a thread that says something like “A problem”. Also, as I see it, one of the problemns needs to be in Install/Boot/Login and the other in Applications.

Also two subjects in one thread will lead to a confusing discussion. Who is anwering to what?

Some people have reported this as related to lvm (I think the lvm2-lvmetad service).

I am using LVM (with install to an encrypted LVM), and I do not see this problem. But maybe something goes wrong when the service is running but not actually used. Perhaps look for earlier threads on this to see how other people have dealt with it.

Unlock widgets (right click on desktop), then right click on the appropriate icon in the start menu and choose “Add to panel”.

You are right, sorry for that.


You are right, that was it. I don’t know why I dragged them to the panel instead of right-clicking on them.
Probably I was tired…



I don’t want to say hallelujah too early, but it seems that of one of the latest openSUSE updates (yesterday) solved the problem on both my pc and laptop.

Thanks for trying to help,


Too early :frowning:

The problem is still there. A short survey shows that a considerable amount of people (but still a minority) have reported this problem and they are using
different distro’s and the problem seems to be resolved by different solutions that seems to work only for one user.
At this point I believe it’s caused by a kernel bug and it’s affected by many causes which makes it look like random.

I followed the advice here somewhere (mentioned here by nrickert). I disabled the lvm services through yast (just to be sure I got the right ones). This was maybe 2 or 3 months ago and I’ve had no trouble logging off since.

Untill now that seems to work :good:

I disabled (set to start manually) the following in Yast2->services-manager: lvm2-lvmetad, lvm2-lvmpolld, lvm2-monitor

Thanks for the advice.

Somebody knows if this bug has been reported yet?

Strange thing is, I use two pc’s and a laptop all with Leap 15.1.
One pc has no ssd and it does not suffer from this bug.
One pc has several traditional harddrives and an ssd.
It suffered randomly from this bug.
The laptop has only an ssd and no traditional harddrives and suffered always from this bug.
Is it coincidence or is it related to the presence of an ssd?

The bug has been reported, but I don’t know what progress has been made.

I had this problem as well, and am running off a SSD, so it may be a problem with that, but I’m no expert.