turning on the internet

This is probably a stupid question, but I can not find how to turn the internet in OpenSuse 12.2. I have been trying several distros on USB stick or DVD before choosing one to install. In Ubuntu and Mint, there is a widget that I click, it asks for the password for my wireless modem, and when it is entered, I am on the net. I have not been able to find the equivalent thing in OpenSuse. I must be missing something obvious, but several tries have been fruitless.

Thanks for help with a very basic question.

I wonder if your wireless card is active or configured?

Open a terminal and examine the output

/usr/sbin/hwinfo --wlan

If your chipset is active and the required driver is present, you should proceed to reviewing this guide concerning getting the network up and running

openSUSE 12.2: Chapter 25. Using NetworkManager

If not, copy/paste the hwinfo output here for us to advise further. If it is a wireless hardware/driver issue, read the stickies here:


The problem is solved. This was exactly the info I needed.

Thanks for your timely reply.