Turn off Touchpad Tapping....

I’m not new to Linux but I am new to OpenSUSE 11.1 (KDE 4), so there is probably a doc somewhere about this…

but after doing a complete, fresh installation, I did what I normally do to disable touchpad tapping on my Presario 2170us laptop… I edited xorg.conf and added this to the Touchpad section:

Option    "MaxTapTime" "0"

and it worked for that session… but after rebooting, the tapping was enabled again.

I also tried installing ksynaptics but that doesn’t show up anywhere.

What mystic method am I missing? :wink:


In GNOME there is a trackpad control panel (gsynaptics) in the Control Center that has a checkbox where you can disable tapping. Since you are using KDE you could either use ksynaptic or install gsynaptic to disable tapping.

Forget that last post, it looks like gsynaptic requires GNOME to work.

Well, I prefer Gnome anyway so I just downloaded that version. I’ll burn it to a cd this evening and do a reinstall.

I was just curious about KDE-4 … but I still don’t care for it.
