Tumbleweed : dns resolution order fail to resolve windows AD dfs root

i have a Thumbleweed upgraded from leap 15.6
i was trying to browse at my work the dfs folder but i could not reach the dfsroot (contoso.local) neither from the smbclient or dolphin
I could resolve with nslookup, dig or host but not with ping, tracepath

After some help with gpt , i found out that my dns resolution order in /etc/nsswitch.conf was set to :
hosts: files mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
i changed to :

hosts: files dns mdns_minimal

and then
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

i was able to resolve the name

I hope it could help someone or at least to improve next releases


It’s not going to change because that setup is the most correct and technically your issue arises from setting up the network wrong.

.local is ‘reserved’ domain like localhost is for host names which was then co-opted for mdns (zeroconf, Bonjour) ‘zones.’ They are served via multicast and not by a DNS server. Because of this the default resolver configuration is set to use mdns to handle .local and never reach out to the external DNS server (NOTFOUND=return) so as to not leak information that is not intended to ever leave the local lan.

Using .local as a real DNS domain is wrong.

Thanks for the details.
Indeed our network is still configured in the old fashioned way and did not evolve with the fqdn standard.
