Hardware is an ASUS K53U laptop connected to a 1680x1050 viewsonic monitor. I has an AMD E-350 dual core @1.6GHz, AMD HD 6310 GPU, 8GB of RAM and a 320GB rotating drive. I need to look at trying out the fglrx driver but going ok with the radeon…
Hey I really like your setup. I’ve recently switched over to Leap 42.1 Gnome from KDE (Way too many issues with KDE on any distro), would you be able to give me some insight on what you use, and how you got your setup like that? I’m no Linux expert, but can get stuff done if I have some general direct.
I use the following GNOME Shell Extensions;
openWeather, Lock Keys (set to hide) and Activities Overview with transparency set to 100 and icon used is in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/distributor.svg
I use conky and a lua created background, I also use a script in /etc/cron.hourly to get some data, I also use cpupower mperf script controlled with a systemd timer/service to update every 20 seconds to get the cpu core frequency.
I am using GTK theme called VimixLight, Icons are from Flat Remix, and Shell theme is Flat-Plat-Light. Wallpaper from zelda game, conky based on Gotham Conky. I was using KDE in openSUSE 13.2 back days, however I’ve decided to try something new, and loved gnome3. All is powered on my laptop with is ThinkPad E540. The only bad feature is lack of dual band wireless card. I am really satisfied of how the tumbleweed is working
Well, I believe this one is inspired in general, mostly like an artwork form. If you like the wall, feel free to grab it here: Awesome Wallpapers - wallhaven.cc