Tumbleweed Community Repositories Empty Again 2024?

I’m having a problem, I’ve tried to add the openSUSE Tumbleweed community repositories, Packman, libdvdcss, etc., but in YaST the portal comes up empty. And when I crul the url I have a failure: https://opensuse-community.org/openSUSE_Tumbleweed_Community_Additional.xml

Welcome to the forum!

Can you open that link using the browser? If not, is Internet working at all?

Yes, I have tried to open it with the link, searching in the search engine for the link. It is not accessible, it doesn`t load, I have internet, everything works.

??? You can paste the link in the address bar of your web browser, right?
When I open the link in Firefox I see text staring with:

openSUSE-Tumbleweed-community-repos Additional repositories for openSUSE Tumbleweed from the openSUSE community Packman Repository Packman Software Repository Packman build software packages to enable users to easily install and remove software on Linux. More specifically, they do so for software that is not shipped as part of distributions

If Internet is working fully it looks to me there is something special/wrong with https://opensuse-community.org/. I can not help with that.

As work-around you could add these additional repositories yourself, sudo zypper in opi && opi codecs, solution #1 from :


I understand, it’s something in the repo. Perfect, thank you…

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