Hi guys,
I am new here so you have to apologize if I post silly questions.
I am using openSuse tumbleweed strictly as an internet interface, so I basically do what a normal windows user does, meaning especially I am no software developer nor any kind of nerd.
My question:
I tried to install on Tumbleweed 20210817-1109.1 the chromium browser using the Yast software administration module. The result was as follows:
- the installation went straightforward without any mistakes, but:
- the browser does not start.
I tried several approaches (this tool some weeks) and did not manage to get the browser software started.
- It is also not possible to download the original google-chrome browser for openSuse directly from google and install this. The package can properly be downloaded but the attempt to install creates a mistake: “Software konnte gemäß Anweisung nicht installiert werden” meaning in english something like “software could not be installed according to instruction”.
I do not know what “according to instruction” refers to nor was there any link to the mentioned instruction nor was there any possibility to trouble shoot this problem.
Additional info: Installation of chromium or google chrome was no problem with my older tumbleweed system (which was roundabout 2 years old) but occurs since I updated the system.
Does anyone have an idea or can input this behaviour to the openSuse development community?