(Tumbleweed) autoyast : autoinst.xml missing thin pool LVM patitions

Hello ,

I would like to be able to easily clone my OpenSUSE Virtualbox VMs (possibly create a Vagrant my customized Vagrant box) thanks to autoyast.
But as I dislike BTFRS, I create my preferred LVM structure as follow:

unixadmin@uts-ansible:~> sudo vgs
  VG          #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  ansiblevg00   1   9   0 wz--n- 39.00g    0
unixadmin@uts-ansible:~> sudo lvs
  LV         VG          Attr       LSize  Pool       Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  boot       ansiblevg00 -wi-ao----  2.00g
  extra      ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz--  2.00g thinpool00        3.15
  home       ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz--  2.00g thinpool00        3.18
  opt        ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz--  4.00g thinpool00        1.58
  root       ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz-- 16.00g thinpool00        16.59
  swap       ansiblevg00 -wi-ao----  4.00g
  syslogs    ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz--  4.00g thinpool00        2.28
  thinpool00 ansiblevg00 twi-aotz-- 32.93g                   9.63   13.53
  var        ansiblevg00 Vwi-aotz--  4.00g thinpool00        5.91

i.e. boot & swap as normal LV and all remaining FS as part of a thin_pool.

All systems I build like this are working fine but when I create the autoinst.xlm file, if contains well the setup of the thin_pool LV but any ‘sub’ volumes :frowning:
According to opensuse doc (e.g. https://doc.opensuse.org/projects/autoyast/) it should works but I failed to find any example of such configuration to help me to understand how to update manually this autoinst.xlm to test to clone this VM.

Any idea/advise/link would be very helpful to me.

Thx in advance for kind support,

Ok got it : as this linux distribution is certainly one of the most professional I ever met, the source code contains the relevant info to test this figure also do I just have to grab the code I need to add to my autoinst.xml :ok_hand: