Tumbleweed and proprietary NVIDIA drivers


I am considering to migrate my private desktop computer to Tumbleweed. Since I do use that one also for playing (3D) games I would need to keep the proprietary drivers working regardless of Kernel updates. I am aware that there is a procedure to do this. (https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_the_hard_way)

Unfortunately the section with the DKMS, which I think would handle the recompilation of the NVIDIA kernel module as well as loading it, is not explained in detail.

Can someone point me to a better description what needs to be done? Also: In case I misunderstood something here I would really appreciate any clarification.

Thx in advance.

DKMS is in no way mandatory. You can always compile driver manually after kernel update. In the worst case GUI won’t load after reboot and you would need to login in text mode and compile it.

Thx for the reply. I know that I could do it manually (even though I would have to write down the steps i guess…). I wanted to use dkms to save myself the trouble of having to recompile it. The question is: What is the exact procedure to do this?

Can nobody help with this?


I am currently building the nvidia binary drivers as RPM packages using osc. My current process is:

  osc co X11:Drivers:Video nvidia-gfxG04
  osc service dr # download drivers
  osc build openSUSE_Factory x86_64 nvidia-gfxG04.spec
  # copy RPMs out of /var/tmp/build-root
  osc build openSUSE_Factory x86_64 nvidia-uvm-gfxG04.spec
  # copy RPMs out of /var/tmp/build-root
  osc build openSUSE_Factory x86_64 x11-video-nvidiaG04.spec
  # copy RPMs out of /var/tmp/build-root
  sudo zypper in *.rpm

When copying the RPMs out of /var/tmp/build-root, make sure to exclude the source RPMs and the kernel modules you don’t need ( e.g. -kmp-default if you run the -desktop kernel flavour ).