When trying to install using the Github software I am running into a problem when trying to run the script. It must just be a matter of using the wrong command.The output is as follows:
john@linux-fxo6:~> cd onedrive-d
john@linux-fxo6:~/onedrive-d> ./install.sh
Error: setup script does not support your distro token msgnamsgdistributormsgnaechotmpdistribdesc.
How do I accomplish this in Opensuse? There must be an equivalent command?
Either you didn’t download the file or you didn’t change directory in your console to the directory containing your install.sh file (I don’t know why you are instructed to download separately). Of course you should use “zypper” instead of yum in the following commands
I appreciate the help but I need advice on where to go from here. Thanks for your replies.
john@linux-fxo6:~> sudo zypper install libcurl-devel
[sudo] password for root:
Retrieving repository 'packman' metadata ...................................................................[done]
Building repository 'packman' cache ........................................................................[done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'libcurl-devel' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'libcurl-devel-7.37.0-36.1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
john@linux-fxo6:~> sudo zypper install sqlite-devel
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'sqlite-devel' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
'sqlite3-devel' providing 'sqlite-devel' is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
john@linux-fxo6:~> curl -fsS https://dlang.org/install.sh | bash -s dmd
Downloading https://dlang.org/d-keyring.gpg
######################################################################## 100.0%
Downloading https://dlang.org/install.sh
######################################################################## 100.0%
The latest version of this script was installed as ~/dlang/install.sh.
It can be used it to install further D compilers.
Run `~/dlang/install.sh --help` for usage information.
Downloading and unpacking http://downloads.dlang.org/releases/2.x/2.082.0/dmd.2.082.0.linux.tar.xz
######################################################################## 100.0%
Using dub 1.11.0 shipped with dmd-2.082.0
Run `source ~/dlang/dmd-2.082.0/activate` in your shell to use dmd-2.082.0.
Run `deactivate` later on to restore your environment.
john@linux-fxo6:~> cd onedrive-d
john@linux-fxo6:~/onedrive-d> ./install.sh
Error: setup script does not support your distro token **msgnamsgdistributormsgnaechotmpdistribdesc**.
john@linux-fxo6:~/onedrive-d> sudo ./install.sh
Error: setup script does not support your distro token **msgnamsgdistributormsgnaechotmpdistribdesc**.
there are apparently 2 ondrive for linux projects on github
one that uses Digital Mars compiler https://github.com/skilion/onedrive
and one that is a python app (the one from your tutorial link) https://github.com/xybu/onedrive-d-old
if you want to install the first one you need the D compiler and compile the source
if you want to use the one you downloaded from the link you posted see this page https://github.com/xybu/onedrive-d-old
after cd-ing to the dir where you unpacked it do
# Register package
sudo python3 setup.py install
# Clean temporary files
sudo python3 setup.py clean
# Create settings dir
mkdir ~/.onedrive
cp ./onedrive_d/res/default_ignore.ini ~/.onedrive/ignore_v2.ini
# Create log file
sudo touch /var/log/onedrive_d.log
# you may need to change `whoami` to your username
sudo chown `whoami` /var/log/onedrive_d.log
then configure it
# First read help info
onedrive-pref --help
onedrive-d --help
# Run config program with CLI
# Or run with GUI
onedrive-pref --ui=gtk
# Run onedrive-d
# start as a daemon
onedrive-d start
# or start as a regular process
onedrive-d start --debug
apparently there is a newer python3 client for onedirive see it’s git page for more info https://github.com/xybu/onedrived-dev
the github page has more then enough info on getting started
Thank you for your help I_A. Much appreciated. I have already gathered much of the information you stated, but I would like your advice on how to proceed. It appears that I have three choices. The Skilion, the old Xybu and the Xybu currently in a development phase. Do you have any recommendations as to which to choose?
Next question: I proceeded to the old Xybu because the site for instructions on installing the Skilion on Opensuse did not work for me. I followed this site here https://www.jurearh.net/2017/07/onedrive-on-linux/ because it was specific for opensuse Leap and he claimed success. Can you tell me why this did not work for me?
I have come to the conclusion that the options for running OneDrive on Linux are not at the point in development that would be conducive to effective file management, especially in the light of other options available. Since Dropbox is leaving us Linux users ‘high and dry’ I thought OneDrive may help me in my dilemma. I have just finished installing pCloud and it is an excellent alternative to Dropbox. It appears to be doing everything that I need so I have dropped my pursuit of using MS OneDrive on Opensuse Linux. However since MS has purchased GitHub, it seems to me that they might eventually be interested in pursuing an effective connection between the two systems? Nonetheless, this thread may be useful to some who want to pursue that connection. Thanks to all who responded to my questions. I would be in deep do-do without this first-rate forum.
well I do have 2 one drive accounts and one of them has 100+ GiB of storage (got it for free from MS)
I use a web browser to access them as far as I can tell both github projects work but they’re both command line apps without a GUI
a simple google search revealed a 3rd project onedrive-linux-client which is also hosted on github https://github.com/01000101/onedrive-linux-client https://www.linux-apps.com/p/1220638/
and comes as a GUI app
but that one hasn’t been updated in 4 years so I’d say it’s dead
Well, MS states that webdav is supported, and scp ( which makes me think sftp should work too ). I don’t have an MS account, so can’t test / try, but both Dolphin, Nautilus and Thunar support webdav and sftp connections. And … FWIW, the nextcloud client can do any webdav connection with selective synchonisation ( you don’t want it to sync 100+GB )