This is my first post so apologies if this was answered somewhere but I was googling my problem for a couple of days and I didn’t find an proper answer.
I have an Acer Switch 3, 2 in 1 tablet PC, it came with installed Windows 10 and it has Apollo Lake processor that I think causes some boot problems (apparently something with UEFI or EFI being 32 bit while system is 64).
I managed to disable secure boot and I was trying to install any Linux distro, but there were two major problems.
One - most distros won’t even boot, freeze right after picking a boot (you can see a little terminal-like cursor on top, frozen).
Two - Only Ubuntu and Kubuntu were able to boot and attempt to install, but they were always stopping on grub2 installation, installation would halt, files would be there (so I assume most of Linux) and I would not be able to boot to system.
I managed to overcome second problem by using this tutorial https://thanhsiang.org/faqing/node/221, I assume it changes boot somehow but my knowledge is non-existent in this field.
But I started to like OpenSUSE a lot, and kubuntu’s KDE feels a bit worse (very subjective) there.
Leap image crashes like all other distros on step one. I tried to replace boot files like with step two but I either did something wrong this time or it doesn’t work for it.
Does anyone has any suggestions of what I could do?
At present, openSUSE does not support 32-bit EFI (unfortunately). Some people have managed, but it requires some improvising.
I don’t have a computer with 32-bit EFI for experimenting, though I might be able to set something up with KVM (virtual machine emulation).
As far as I know, Ubuntu does support 32-bit EFI. So if I manage to set up something with KVM, I would probably start with Ubuntu. If I could get Ubuntu installed using only a small amount of disk space, I could probably use that to boot into openSUSE.
At the moment, I don’t have any good advice for you.
Maybe I have explained poorly but I am ABLE TO boot to Ubuntu based distros, they are always stuck at installing grub (it tries indefinitely), that is why I was using this refined boot solution.
The moment it stops at installing grub, I replace boot files and just reset the machine, this way Kubuntu was booting for me fine, but since it never actually “finishes” the installation I am unsure if everything is working (I was using it for about 1-2 months and it felt all right)
So I am sure Xubuntu would work too, that’s not the point because I can always come back to Kubuntu. I had tried Fedora today and it does the same as Ubuntu (stops at grub) but it felt more responsive, I might try to actually install it if Suse doesn’t want to.
xubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-i386.iso won’t work, as it uses BIOS, which is not available with Acer Switch 3.
“The Asus x205TA and x206HA have an exclusively 32-bit EFI bootloader. Since Arch does not include a 32-bit EFI loader in the standard install image, we need to add one. This procedure may work for other exclusively 32-bit EFI machines.” [ASUS x205ta - ArchWiki
FWIW I have an ASUS X205TA (works fine on power, has a dead battery US$55 for a new one)sitting here… I had a quick look awhile back but since it had a 32bit UEFI, wasn’t interested too much, It’s got a quad core Atom cpu, 2GB RAM and a 32GB eMMC for storage…
On Sun 25 Nov 2018 08:26:02 PM CST, malcolmlewis wrote:
karlmistelberger;2887340 Wrote:
> xubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-i386.iso won’t work, as it uses BIOS, which is
> not available with Acer Switch 3.
> “The Asus x205TA and x206HA have an exclusively 32-bit EFI
> bootloader. Since Arch does not include a 32-bit EFI loader in the
> standard install image, we need to add one. This procedure may work
> for other exclusively 32-bit EFI machines.”
> 'ASUS x205ta - ArchWiki
> ’
> (ASUS x205ta - ArchWiki)Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - ArchWiki
FWIW I have an ASUS X205TA (works fine on power, has a dead battery
US$55 for a new one)sitting here… I had a quick look awhile back but
since it had a 32bit UEFI, wasn’t interested too much, It’s got a quad
core Atom cpu, 2GB RAM and a 32GB eMMC for storage…
Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
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