A friend on Linux, was talking about Falkon.
I wanted to try it and ended up here:
Yast started and asked for the root password.
During the install of Falcon yast suggested a Vendor change.
I am deeply regretting, and typing this on windows 7 , that I said yes to that vendor change.
First signs of trouble KDE pop messages that something had crashed.
I could not even restart the computer the normal way, nor could I any more open the console from KDE.
ctrl + alt + F1 and that way still works.
I rebooted the pc, and now can’t log in anymore.
When I reboot, I get the familiar grub screen were I can choose opensuse ( default ) or win 7.
Then I get the login screen but then the problems start.
Mouse works but as soon as I hit any key on my keyboard the text input box seems to freeze.
Trying to use that other desktop from the login screen, gives the same result.
I can login but only through the commandline after ctrl + alt + F1 .
I already tried going into yast from the command line by typing YAST, but I can’t find how to switch (back) to a different vendor.
While typing this, I wonder, should I have typed YAST2
How to clean up this mess?
I already un-installed Falkon through YAST from the commandline, but that did not fix anything.
( probably because is does not undo the vendor change )