Trying to install ati drivers for hd4870

I have followed the instructions fount here and i have tried installing the proprietary drivers and i keep on getting the same problem. Whenever i install either driver as soon as i reboot im met with what appears to be a bunch of pink lines in the center of my screen.

I have tried changing various settings in the xorg.conf but the problem persists until i load the default xorg.conf wich puts me back to square 1.

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this card and if theres some trick im missing.

mkvaladez adjusted his/her tinfoil beanie to write:

> I have followed the instructions fount ‘here’
> (http:// and i
> have tried installing the proprietary drivers and i keep on getting
> the same problem. Whenever i install either driver as soon as i reboot
> im met with what appears to be a bunch of pink lines in the center of
> my screen.
> I have tried changing various settings in the xorg.conf but the
> problem persists until i load the default xorg.conf wich puts me back
> to square 1.
> Just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this card and if
> theres some trick im missing.

Is the screen corruption still there in a console login ( init 3 )?

If not have you run the aticonfig --initial command or did you use sax2?



Nil illegitimi carborundum

Have tried both, the result is the same.

Trying something now will report back if it works.

rm /usr/lib/dri/ && ln -s /usr/lib64/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/

Is what i needed to do. Apparently without that command it wont work for 64 bit. Cant for the life of me figure out why that isnt put in the freakin how to but oh well it works now.

the webpage you looked at for guidance seems to have been:

ATI - openSUSE

(you had two sets of http in your entry)

it appears as though one can edit, and indeed the authors invite editing: they finish their page by saying


If anyone wants to edit this or make this page look nicer, by all means go for it.

so do make the entry: 64bit causes various library problems, such as with printer drivers too

so others can find out what works

Ok, its added then.

good work; keep reading about ati drivers: you could become the forum expert!

And it was deleted >:(

The instructions on that page will NOT work for 64 bit users without that command but apparently someone dont think thats important…


I have same issue. Is there step by step instruction to fix this issue?

Do I just delete some files as shown below?
rm /usr/lib/dri/ && ln -s /usr/lib64/dri/ /usr/lib/dri/

Is that all I need? Or do I install ati again?
