Trying to get Huion H950 to work in Tumbleweed

Trying to get my Huion H950P tablet working under opensuse. The official driver doesn’t work (because it’s made for ubuntu specifically), OpenTabletDriver consistently fails to recognize my tablet (it detected it ONCE, then after a reboot it stopped no matter what I did), so I had to install digimend kernel drivers.

The digimend kernel drivers kinda work (I got pressure sensitivity and side buttons on pen to work as middle/right click), however the tablet buttons (the one on the side of the tablet) are seemingly mapped to various mouse buttons (left click, right click, middle click, forward/back click) and cannot be remapped in the System Settings app (added the tablet manually since it didn’t detect Huion by default).

I almost got it working, now I just need to get the buttons mapped to my liking. Any help would be welcome.

Already went through that thread, but thanks.

Any help? I really want to have it working.

@darkhog and libinput-udev is installed?

yep… yup. it is lol, just let me post this

@darkhog and your on X11 or Wayland, and Desktop environment?

X11 and it’s KDE, as per OP.

@darkhog if you can’t remap the keys in the settings, then perhaps it is a bug?

Yeah, it may be. The problem is I don’t know if it’s a bug in digimend, libinput, KDE or something completely different I didn’t think about and as such I don’t know where to report it. Plus, every bug has some sort of a workaround, especially on Linux. Maybe I need to just edit some config file to set the bindings manually? The problem here is that I don’t know which (if any) config file I should edit to get what I want.

Sorry if I ramble a bit, had a couple of strong ones.

@darkhog logout and log into icewm and check?

I don’t like IceWM and the last time I’ve used it ended with a reboot via TTY because I couldn’t log out, for me it’s vi of graphic environments.

@darkhog that’s the only way to verify…

Does the instructions on ArchWiki help?

It says one need to use the wacom driver even for non-wacom devices and then will be able to configure the buttons with the xsetwacom tool.

Maybe @HonestAbe can pop in and see how they have progressed with it?

The problem is I don’t know what I should use for xsetwacom parameters, e.g. how I have button mapped to mouse scroll up or mouse scroll down, how to map it to a keyboard shortcut, etc. Plus. xsetwacom is obviously not a GUI tool.

For GUI, you can try the Wacom Tablet KCM

That’s the non-working one…

Have you followed the above linked ArchWiki article to use the wacom X11 driver and make sure xsetwacom list devices lists your tablet?

Yes, it lists, I can draw with it in Krita, but can’t change side keys bindings. Re-read the OP. I’ve set keybinds in that KDE panel, however it still doesn’t work and does mouse stuff instead like left click, right click, middle click, etc.

It’s really annoying, because I need to have mouse up/mouse down mapped to the buttons for zooming in/out in Krita, but it doesn’t work. I can draw, but need to put down the pen and use mouse every time I draw.