Trying to download alien for .deb conversion and am having issues

Hello, I’m trying to convert a .deb application to .rpm and the attempted download of alien (all tested links) from openSUSE Software yields the error:

An error occurred while initializing the software repository.
Details: [|] Valid metadata not found at specified URL

How do I download alien or how do I convert .deb to rpm in this day and age?

alien is not in the normal Repos:

Please post the complete output of the command incl. the complete input line in Code-Tags, not Quote.

the quote was from a yast error message

From Yast2, apparently alien from that package is broken:

Package alien is broken, integrity check has failed.

Error: INVALID:alien-8.95-lp152.1.1.noarch (file-3030546e): Signature verification failed [4-Signatures public key is not available]

 Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 96a17ffc: NOKEY
 Header SHA1 digest: OK
 Header SHA256 digest: OK
 Payload SHA256 digest: OK
 MD5 digest: OK
 V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 96a17ffc: NOKEY

I used quote to differentiate from terminal, is the syntax to use code quoting or quoting in that circumstance

Package is not broken, your system does not know the key of the package, ignore it.

In addition, as well as and also, there was a parallel Zypper action being executed (from a command line? – Terminal window) while you were executing the YaST action …

When you add either the “system:packagemanager” or “utilities” Repositories, from within YaST, refresh the repository and, accept the GPG Key offered.

  • “zypper refresh «repository name or alias
    »” will probably also prompt that the repository’s GPG key be accepted …