Trouble with NetBeans 6.8 vs 7.0

Hello, everyone!

I have recently switched to linux for rails development and I’m having some trouble with netbeans. If I try to use zypper, it would only install the 6.8 version, no matter what, even though 7.0 came out quite a while ago. So I had to manually install 7.0 using the binaries provided on the official website, and removed the old one. However, whenever I try to run netbeans as an admin, for instance, and type in netbeans in the bash prompt, it no longer works.

Is there any way around this? Would I have to manually add it to the system’s PATH, like in windows? Also, I’m just curious as to why the official repos still provide the old 6.8.

Thanks for your time!

-=WELCOME=- new poster…patience with your switch to Linux for your
development work…lots to learn here…

> Also, I’m just curious as to why the
> official repos still provide the old 6.8.

because there is a new openSUSE version released every 8 months, and
normally each version dies with the same version of software as it had
when it was born…now, there are some exceptions to that but that is
the general ‘rule’: openSUSE 12.1 was ‘born’ with 6.8-7.1.2 and unless a
horrible security flaw is found in it, or a giant bug that precludes its
functioning the 12.1 will go off into the sunset with 6.8-something
still kicking…

now, so why was 6.8 chosen (i mean, 6.9 may have been on the streets
when 12.1 was coming out…but it wasn’t stable enough soon enough to
go through the testing phase of 12.1 … i mean, we do test some before
we release…

so, tell me: what exact functionality is missing in the 6.8 that presses
you to need 7.0?

and, then i will tell you that much better than grabbing binaries
(which you have now demonstrated may not work as expected–especially as
the libs you left in place are completely different from what the
binaries ‘expect’)…anyway, if you must always have the latest the
best way to do that is just grab the latest source and compile/install
it…despite rumors other wise, it is not that very difficult…

sorry, your questions on how to make it work i can’t answer except to
say that there is very little here that can be fixed by making it “like
in windows”…PATH or otherwise…

and, for next time you might consider the possibility that you have more
‘programmers’ to answer questions in the Programming/Scripting forum

anyway, netbeans is not really an application, is it?

OH WOW! you said you switched to Linux to do “rails development”…so,
look what i see: “The NetBeans IDE 7.0 no longer supports Ruby and Ruby
on Rails [1], but a third party has begun work on a separate plug-in.”

so, you probably need to undo what you did so you have something that at
least says it can do what you want to do…

let us know how you get on…

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

andreibarsan wrote:

> Hello, everyone!
> I have recently switched to linux for rails development and I’m having
> some trouble with netbeans. If I try to use zypper, it would only
> install the 6.8 version, no matter what, even though 7.0 came out quite
> a while ago. So I had to manually install 7.0 using the binaries
> provided on the official website, and removed the old one. However,
> whenever I try to run netbeans as an admin, for instance, and type in
> netbeans in the bash prompt, it no longer works.
> Is there any way around this? Would I have to manually add it to the
> system’s PATH, like in windows? Also, I’m just curious as to why the
> official repos still provide the old 6.8.
> Thanks for your time!
> Andrei
I have Netbeans.7 on openSuse 10.2.
it is hidden in /usr/local
It does start with /usr/local/netbeans-7.0.1/bin/netbeans
you can add it in the launc menu, or add a link to the application in the
desk directory.


Thank you for the warm welcome and the extremely detailed reply, DenverD, you made feel all fuzzy inside! :slight_smile:

Yes, I do know that Netbeans doesn’t support rails out of the box, but it has an install-able module that provides everything one could need when developing a rails app. Well, I still rely on the good ol’ bash prompt for a lot of the commands, but still. Netbeans is a modular IDE, with a ton of room for plug-ins and such, so not having a feature built-in doesn’t mean it can’t be supported perfectly by a plug-in.
So you think I should just download the official source and javac it myself? Would that make Netbeans fit more “snugly” into the system? :smiley:
The coffeescript plugin isn’t available for 6.8. I tried a manual install with the official version of the plugin, but it didn’t work. Also, 6.8 simply refused to display certain files belonging to my project. 7.0 doesn’t do that. It’s strange.

Thanks, I already managed to do that. It’s just annoying that whenever I need to run netbeans as root, I need to type the whole path to the binary in the bash prompt, as opposed to just typing “netbeans”. It just gets tedious after a while.

On 12/28/2011 09:26 PM, andreibarsan wrote:
> So you think I should just download the official source and javac it
> myself?

if what is available in the standard repos is not new enough for you you
could BACKUP and try what you find in the Tumbleweed repos, they are
supposed to be fairly stable and hopefully will be included in 12.2…

but if that is not new enough for you it is every person for them self…

well, you might be able to talk someone else into compiling for you,
building a spec file and bundling up in an RPM—but, why ask when you
can do the compile and install without the RPM stage, and it should
work…if not…if not…that is what the BACKUP is for…

or HINT HINT HINT you could ask around in the programming forum and
maybe find out what the hackers think… (i program my VCR…not very
often…i really believe it is blinking 12:00)

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

Alright, I’ll try to do that, then if I encounter any problems, I’ll take it to the programming forum. Thanks again! (I’m still kinda scared to do that, since everyone will probably tell me to use emacs or vim, and I did try to use the former, and took forever to configure just one component, haha)
Heh, if I manage to get it to work, maybe I could come over and fix your VCR. Sync it up with some atomic clocks, maybe make it stream directly from netflix. :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks again! :smiley:


first of all, I would avoid using Netbeans as root - why not use it as a simple user?

Second it will suffice to make a link in your user /bin directory to the entire path of the binary and call that link “netbeans” - hey presto, when typing “netbeans” in bash you’ll start netbeans!



On 12/29/2011 10:26 AM, andreibarsan wrote:
> everyone will probably tell me to use emacs or vim,

i HATE vim…emacs i’ve used some but my favorite file editor is
Midnight Commander…which does all kinds of other magic, like serve as
a dual pane “file manager”…install it (search for mc) with YaST and
never look at vim, vi, joe, etc etc again…so simple, type mc in a
terminal… nav to the file you wanna view and press F3 and you can see
inside…wanna edit, use F10 to back out, then instead press F4… edit
and then save with F2 (do NOT bother to write this down, it is all on
the screen all the time…

if you ever used Nortons Commander in DOS, or File Commander in OS/2 you
will feel right at home.


and, when you have * you wanna unpack you don’t have to type
anything in a command line, just nav in the left screen to where the tar
is, and in the right screen to where you wanna unpack it…and,
highlight the tar on the left and press enter…it will “open up” and
let you see inside the tar (just like any other file system) and you
will (usually) see a directory which you can then Copy to the other pane
with a simple press of F5…

makes your teeth hurt it is so easy.

so, lets chat about an atomic wrist watch…i like really precise
timepieces… :wink:

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

If you are going to use Ruby, why not use Geany or Eclipse ,
Geany is the Opensuse packages, and the Eclipse can be installed by following procedure:
Installing Eclipse IDE on linux openSuSE 11.2

Have you looked at Aptana Studio 3? Capable of Web, Ruby, Rails, Java, and other projects.