Trouble proaudio repository

The result of LANG=C command versus

The top one does what you want, the bottom one results in NL output as you can see above.

I see what you mean, LANG=C and then the command on the next line does not work.

I do wonder though if I am getting through to you, about not being able to do this in YAST nor in geekos daw.

So for those situations, I will have translate it myself. :slight_smile:

For this reason, I remember once setting Tumbleweed to English, but that did cause issues when I wanted to type in dutch.
My first computer experience, was if recall right, a small MsDos course, which was kinda limited, because it was aimed at starting autocad.
The days before windows.
I never used that though, because I then started to work at an aeroplane company, who had two cad programs on UNIX. CADAM and CATIA.

I will never forget me asking there, about \ vs /.
I got a response at first that it was no windows, to which I said I know, but what is it then ?

Most went quiet, but one English contractor came to me asking what my question/problem was.

So I asked what is the operating system we use.
He then said its probably UNIX, but don’t aks me which one.

The point I am trying to make is that for operating my pc, I do not need Dutch.
But I never managed to type éé with Tumbleweed (opensuse) set to English.

If there is a way though to have the cli always put out in English, with out changing the system language, I am very interested, because then it might even do the GDaw output in English.
As we type the gdaw out-put is in an X server window and is a mix of English and Dutch.
Not a problem for me, but it seems to confuse, some of my openSUSE friends on this forum. :slight_smile:

The following command will do the trick and change only the current user.
echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

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I maintain the official lmms and I disabled the lmms-vst sub package in March 2023 due to a wine bug and reported issue#6672 to lmms but I can’t find any feedback.
I’ll investigate further.

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Investigated and found that lmms was fixed in July that year.
I’m updating to the latest git

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Thank you Dave. :slight_smile:

Because I also post and read on the LMMS forum, I know that the number of distro getting it right, is way smaller then the number of distro getting it wrong.

And I do understand why, just the number of dependencies needed is already omg.

And then there is Carla, which even adds a lot more dependencies.
(Carla is a plugin host, which we can use in LMMS)

Another problem is people not telling Dave there is something missing or not working. This again goes for most distro, people go to the LMMS forum, and say its not working. They should however use the applmage version or talk to their package builder, which for us opensuse users is Dave. :slight_smile:

The applmage version does work on openSUSE and I know this for sure, because I sometimes test it. The drawback is though, the applmage version does not install LMMS.

Would I win the lottery, I would hire a few LMMS devs.
LMMS which original stands for Linux Multi Media Studio, does at the moment not fully yet supports Lv2 plugins. I need to do some testing though, because I know this is being worked on, and I read something about lv2 gui support in LMMS.

Because of this I already tried Ardour, but that did not make me happy either even though it does support lv2 plugins.

Ardour is aimed at people who want to record live played music and I am willing to admit I can’t play life.

Some times I wonder, If I should go for a non opensourse solution?
Like Reaper.

I do not have an issue with it not being free like LMMS, but on the danger of being called a Richard Stallman fanboy, I do believe in opensourse software which Reaper is not. (LMMS and Ardour are)
You can use Ardour for free, but you will get asked to support the project with money.

Let me end this with saying sorry to Dave, for not being more on the asses of the lmms devs, for the problem he reported.
Reading this topic, made me remember this. :flushed:

Does this mean, I will have to do this twice?
Once as a normal user, and then as root ?

The root user has POSIX value set to variable LANG, so you probably won’t need to touch it.

# locale

Since some pieces of software are using the variable LANGUAGE, it’s better to set it too.

echo "LANGUAGE=en_US" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

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lmms-1.3.0~git2024.09.21 (the tild ~ ensures that the version is less than 1.3.0) a git snapshot, is in Factory with the lmms-vst package. Sorry I took so long

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