tried to install nvidia driver and no more xconf now

I installed what I thought was an nvidia driver on my notebook and now it won’t load the gui part of opensuse. I type “startx” and it says it can’t find a device or something. how can I go back to before I screwed it up?


Probably the best way is to use sax to fix the display when the boot stops log on as root and type sax2 -r -m 0=vesa

You could also use yast cli (text mode) to reinstall the drivers. You will need to use tab and arrows to navigate.

When the boot stops log on as root and type yast search for nvidia


I would be more curious on why it didn’t work…what is your hardware, and which version of the nVidia driver did you try to install…also, how did you go about installing it?


I reinstalled OS11.1. ummm, I have nvidia 7150m in my compaq laptop. I Yast installed some nvidia kernel or something. I really should never have messed with it seeing as how I don’t even know what a kernel is. I just saw nvidia geforce by the name and thought “yeah, that’s the one” (famous last words) so, I really can’t tell you exactly what I did. I was smart enough to know that linux had booted and smart enough to have read about smartx, but from there, nope… just dumb. lol.

OK…so I prefer to install the nvidia driver from nvidia’s website, that way it’s up to date…however, if your kernel get’s updated, then you need to reinstall the driver…happens occasionally.

So, I would recommend the ‘one click’ method…just do a goodle search for opensuse one click nvidia, and you should find a link for the install.
