I use KDE 4 on OpenSUSE 13.2, but I wanted to have a backup DE in case of problems with KDE, and I also wanted to see where other DEs are at these days. So I installed MATE Base System and Mate Desktop Environment using the appropriate patterns in Yast.
MATE simply didn’t work – on the first couple runs it went nuts adding hundreds of windows to the task bar (apparently Dolphin), and it didn’t let me launch MATE/Gnome programs (I was able to launch Firefox just fine), making it completely useless.
Okay, no big deal – back to KDE, where I used Yast to uninstall the two patterns I mentioned above. This operation took about 1/4 of a second, which can’t be right. And indeed, when I go to Yast’s list of installed packages for MATE, nothing at all seems to have been uninstalled!
So now I’ve got a system with many GBs of cruft and detritus. **How do I use Yast to uninstall what I used Yast to install? **I can’t really go through the package lists and manually ininstall everything. Plus, I do use a few apps that are from Gnome/MATE, so I don’t want to uninstall everything, just what I just installed.
SO, um… help!