Hi all!
Where can I find panel settings in order to modify transparency of the panel?
I’m using openSuse 11.3 with KDE environment.
Thank you in advance.
There isn’t one, per se. The transparency, if I am not mistaken, lies firmly in the hands of theme and its .svg’s that are used to draw the panel. You can try to find a theme that is more to your liking, or you could modify (parts of) a theme, or maybe even use your own .svg’s, but there is no dedicated KDE setting anywhere.
I think the tranparency is part of the theme. You can’t modify it as fare
as I know. (Only if you create your own theme …)
Thank you very much!
transparency is a part of the theme which you are using. If you want different levels of transparency or shades you better use different themes then customize it and then select custom as your theme (I mean take the part which you like most from different themes and club it together). This way you get the looks as you need. Hope this solved your query
Thank you, so much. (I will do so.)
There is something that I have noticed in KDE 4.5 on OpenSuse 11.3. I have the system (OS) installed twice, a 32 bit version and a 64 bit version. Both are using the Air Theme. On the 32 bit version I have all the transparency, bells and whistles but transperancy (apart from the panel) is missing on the 64 bit version even though compositing is turned on and working perfectly. Is this a bugß I have tried this on two computers with the same result.