I am very new to opensuse as I have only just started about 4 weeks ago. I was going along fine when suddenly I was unable to send emails. This started 2 days ago and I cannot find the reason. I can still and do still receive emails I just cannot send replies. I get an error message from the server saying,“EHLO requires valid address”.
I passed this to my ISP who tells me they only support windows programs and nothing else.
Can anybody assist with this mystery?

Not without info:

  • openSUSE version
  • KDE version
  • 32/64 bit ?
  • output of
zypper lr -d

, posted between CODE tags, the # in the editor

They better close their business if they persist in this case, having ruled out Apple and Android devices :D.

Sorry about that I should have mentioned.
I am using Opensuse 12.3
As I mentioned I am very new to using this software. I am not sure of the rest of the info you requested. Sorry.

Open a Konsole terminal you will find it in the menu enter into that console or copy a paste

zypper lr -d

Note you can copy by highlighting the text and pess ctrl-c and you can paste in to the terminal with shift-ctrl-v you can then copy ye output by highlighting the text and press shft-ctrl-c

paste to your message with ctrl-v and enclose in code marks by highlighting and clicking the # in the icons in the edit window.

Than k you I tried that and still no joy. I have now just finished deleting everything and reloading the software again and it appearsa to have worked as I have sent a message to somebody. Thank you all for your assistance. The initial problem was possibly caused by me pushing a wrong button or key or something. Fixed now and I shall go back to reading the manual I have down loaded to see if it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks.

Thanks again to all who suggested a fix.


Note the zypper line would fix nothing it just would tell use what repositories you had set up and maybe if you could have installed a bad program. That is why we wanted to see the output. But since your problem is now resolved it is mute. o enjoy :wink: