;-) Trademark claim makes us go :-o

“If you’re planning on opening up some sort of business in Russia anytime soon, be sure to avoid winking at your users. One Russian entrepreneur claims to own the trademark to :wink: and wants to charge business owners “tens of thousands of dollars” to license it.”

:wink: trademark claim makes us go :-o and then >:-](;-) trademark claim makes us go :-o and then >:-[ | Ars Technica)

There is a company which already has trademarked the :frowning:
Despair, Inc.

people always find ways of trying to profit off of others works and creations, lol. I find it amazing how many companies try to use things native to my country in their businesses, etc. A couple of countries have tried to do adverts with the haka in, some try to slap kiwi on their products. heck there was even a brand of cigrates name maori.

Lets patent broken limbs. Then break his limbs and demand he pays up.