trace-- Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2

before when id boot up id have two options

desktop–Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2
failsafe–Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2

i was trying to install a tv card thru yast added a card it said install alevt,nxtvepg so i did. then when card didnt work uninstalled card from yast and alevt but nxtvepg wont uninstall so when i rebooted i noticed a thrid option at bootup

now i have three

trace–Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2
desktop–Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2
failsafe–Opensuse 12.1-3.1.0-1.2

do i get rid of the trace option? how


i can see it in the boot loader from yast, should i remove it? why is it there now after so many times seeing another 2 option as i boot up?

earlier i had added kernel -source and kernel-syms to try to get TV card working. but since removed them also, maybe that made a new boot option

On 2011-12-10 11:56, diablo1 wrote:

> do i get rid of the trace option? how

I suggest you find out why is it there and what it does before trying to
remove it.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)

i dont know why its there, how do i find out why its there and what it does or is doing there?

Trace is a kernel compiled with extended tracing features (See: Kernel - openSUSE ). It should not have been installed by either alevt or nxtvepg, so I’m not sure why you ended up with it. You should be able to simply uninstall it in yast or with zypper remove kernel-trace, I can’t imagine why you need it, unless it has some RT capabilities that some package thought it needed? (That’s merely a guess.)

Unless you are booting to it and using it - or something thinks it needs it - you likely don’t need it.


i have kernel-trace and kernel-trace-devel in yast do i remove both??
i installed kernel-source and kernel-syms earlier to try to installed my tv tuner card but removed them aftrer card didnt work cuase driver didnt install.

i dont need it and i don’t boot into it. i tired booting into to it to see what it was but nothing happens when i boot into it.

I see no reason why you can not remove both kernel-trace and kernel-trace-devel in yast.

Of course, make sure it just removes those and that you still have kernel-desktop or pae or another bootable kernel still installed.