I have a working opensuse 11.2 and on one i am having trouble booting. When i select te desktop or trace kernel i get an error
“waiting for /dev/sdc2 to appear”
and it waits and waits until it alsks me if i would like to fall back on /dev/sdc2
that obviously fails. The strange thing is that the default kernel just works…
I am not sure but i guess some modules are not loaded.
I would like to try to add the “device by id” but i don’t know how to correctly generate it…
any pointers?
Well i seem to have fixed some issues with my system so far… but strange things still appear
I have found the device ID (zypper had tried to mount the disk three times, after the upgrade where it apparantly screwed up my /etc/fstab
I fixed the problems in /etc/fstab
I recieved errors about needing a .conf in /etc/modprobe.d/ so i renamed / removed all files without .conf… But apparantly it still needs more work for at boot it still complains.
my eurosign support disapeared in the upgrade
fixed that
i could not find eth0 even with ifconfig -a
removed all ifcfg-eth* scripts from /etc/sysconfig/network/ and reconfigured the interfaces with yast (i could have edited the scripts.
i solved some aliasses, autostart stuff (some improvements i added before the upgrade)
removed all software / kernels with virtualisation / xen support (not using it… )
my system boots pretty fast now, jack works,
but still no realtime kernel…