Tovid package with dependencies?

I have been using DVDFlick and avi2dvd in XP - I now want to do the same in opensuse. As an alternative to running DVDFlick/wine (not sure if this does work - older ver does I’m told, the latest - no - I’m not sure about avi2dvd/wine I googled and didn’t get any hits) however Tovid has been suggested by some on this forum as an alternative. Those of yo that use this - are you happy with the quality of the output (video and audio quality and sync)?

Also I ran at Yast>install software>Tovid to install and Yast reported lack of dependency’s - I look at the Tovid site and see ‘the list’ - is there a sequence of installation that needs to be followed or better yet is there a RPM package available that has everything together?

Thank you

Are you installing this from Packman? Should be easy. What is the error?

Have you tried devede?? or Mandvd??

I am installing from YaST with Packman as one of the sources… I get the following

no valid solution found with just resolvables of best archetecture.
-make solver run with ALL possibilities
libavcodec52 cannot be installed due to missing dependancies

  • install libtheora) although it would change the vendor
  • do ot install libavcodec52
    -ignore this requirement just here



install libtheora) although it would change the vendor

Hello, running 10.3 Gnome.

I have loaded Tovid from the YaST system, but I think I have an issue with the install - In application I have 2 icons - tovid GUI: fancy and tovid GUI: simple If I select “simple” nothing happens… If I select “fancy” I will get an application that looks like the image below


This is nothing like that I see in the tutorials - so my frustration is pretty high as I have spent the better part of the day trying to get this to run and I could have been finished if I had used DVDFlick in XP

So what did I do wrong?

It looks OK. Unless the extra stuff around the edge is actually a part of it and not some of your editing leftovers.

I have used tovid myself but I find devede much better and easier. Or Mandvd.

I always run tovid from the command line.

Lets say I have a video called oldcpu.avi

Then I type:tovid -dvd -ntsc -normalize -in oldcpu.avi -out oldcpuand that will create a dvd compliant mpeg file called “oldcpu.mpg” converting it to ntsc fomat.

For a complete list of tovid options, type;
man tovid

Thank you both…
I had though the interface that I have seen in the tutorials would be what I would get (all nice and graphic like linked -here-]( this being more in tune to what I am was expecting - this must be a KDE or another distro front end.

But I got what I had posted before and I’m not sure what settings do what, I was hoping that it was intuitive - but I don’t find it that way or a tutorial for this interface. I want to convert an avi to iso with chapters every 10 min.

I will look at DeVeDe and the command line option. Quality of video being the driver here.

Thank you

I just installed tovid from packman via Yast, had no dependency warnings. I tried opening it from the command line because it wouldn’t start from the menu. This is what I got:

shawnr@fastback2:~> tovid
  mpeg2enc    MISSING!
  mp2enc      MISSING!

You are missing CORE tovid dependencies! Please install the above MISSING
dependencies and try again. See or for help.

Do you have installed? If not, install it.

I searched Webpin for mpeg2enc, and got a lot of gstreamer hits. I am running 11.1/KDE4. I searched for “package provides” in Yast and got encode2mpeg and gstreamer plugins bad. I installed those, and it works via CLI. The missing libs were in one of those packages. I still can’t get the menu entry to start the gui. I tried starting it from the command line also, and got a python error. I have reinstalled the package to no avail. I think I might try another app:)

shawnr@fastback2:~> makemenugui
tovidgui requires wxPython 2.6 or 2.8.
Please install or upgrade wxPython.

I just installed Devede. It stated that it could make DVD’s from several formats like .mov and others. My video camera exports in .mov format. I will give it a try. provides mpeg2enc and mp2enc. I believe you need the packman (and not videolan nor Novell) packaged version of that application for tovid to work.

I actually had the packman version installed, and it still couldn’t find the missings apps. I am having a lot of trouble with 11.1/packman. I have amarok-packman installed now with the xine engine selected, and it still says it can’t play MP3’s.

Well, I got amarok working by using this guide I wish the devs could streamline this somehow after install. I installed most of the restricted multimedia by hand, and still got some that weren’t from packman. They were probably pulled in as dependencies. Is there an easier way? I think I will try and play with the repo priorities in Yast.

That did the trick. I set the packman repo to #1 in the yast priority dialouge, refreshed, and all of the remaining opensuse packages were updated to the packman version. Tovid might work now;)