Touchpad with lag on LEAP 15 and Tumbleweed

Hello everyone!
I’m new here and i’m testing openSUSE sicne yesterday, but, i noticed that my touchpad has a lag. I use a mouse too, and with it everything goes ok, but, when i try to use the touchpad it’s lagging and the multi touch functions doesn’t work. Someone can help me?

Notebook ACER F5-573G-50KS

Welcome to openSUSE Forums agasparjunior. This kind of issue may well require a bug report to help resolve. Which desktop environment are you using? Is Wayland or Xorg in use?

The output of the following can help answer the above questions definitively if you’re not sure


Notebook ACER F5-573G-50KS

FWIW, a quick online search turned up this Ubuntu thread describing similar behaviour, so perhaps it is a quirk of the hardware…

Some of the suggestions may be worth investigating further. The last one involves trying/using the ‘i8042.nopnp’ boot option, and preventing the ‘i2c_hid’ module from loading. The ‘update-initramfs’ is Debian specific. For openSUSE, we use the ‘mkinitrd’ command instead.