Touchpad Setting

How do I change it? I thought it would be in the settings somewhere but I cant find it anywhere. Help? Im sick of the edge scrolling and tap clicking

Welcome to the forum, would like to help but how about some information on your desktop, openSUSE release?

ik it 13.1… dont where to get the rest of the info

On 08/03/2014 12:46 AM, jcurlz87 wrote:
> ik it 13.1… dont where to get the rest of the info

I have to disable tapping on every machine I use, but I have never found any GUI
to set all the options that the driver allows. The command ‘synclient -l’ will
show you the current settings. Using ‘man synaptics’ will show you the list of
options. Use ‘man synclient’ to show how to change the settings.

The above changes will not last through a reboot. The way I do it is to modify
/etc/X11/xorg.d/50-synaptics.conf. In my case, I add ‘Option “TouchpadOff” “2”’
to the section where the TapButton options are listed. That disables tapping.

With KDE, you can run “synaptiks”, which gives considerable control. I just use it to disable the touchpad if there is a USB mouse.

I’m not sure about other desktops. With Gnome, I think I can use the laptop function keys to disable the touchpad.

In KDE environment:
System settings -> Hardware -> Input Devices -> Touchpad