touchbad and sound issue

i have a trouble with the sound, on suse 11 i found it so low, and it suppose to be high and the volume was good on windows xp but on linux its so so so so low and when i wear a headphone also i dont hear anything.

the other issue is so strange
when i installed the open suse, the touchbad was working fine without any problems but today i found it not working, iam using mouse USB and the touchbad.
so how to solve this issue too?
my laptop is : Acer Aspire 5630

I hope to get answers.

Reference your sound being low, did you go to your mixer and move up the master and PCM volume levels to about 70% ?

Also, if you have not done so, try going to YaST > Hardware > Sound and move your master and PCM volume levels there up to about 70%.

Reference your headphone problem, can you provide some more information on your hardware and software audio configuration? To provide more information, then with your PC connected to the internet, please copy and paste the following into a gnome-terminal or to a konsole:

wget && su -c 'bash ./tsalsa' 

when prompted for a password please enter your root password. Please try to accurately answer the question on the number of plugs/jacks on your PC (for example my PC has 3 i/o plugs/jacks). When the script completes it will pass you a URL. Please post that URL here.

Also, reference your headphone problem, please copy and paste the following, one line at a time, into a gnome-terminal or to a konsole and post the output here.
rpm -qa | grep alsa
rpm -qa | grep pulse
rpm -q libasound2
uname -a
cat /etc/modprobe.d/soundAlso, are you using Gnome? KDE4? or KDE3?

thank you very much,
the output is:

elkhedewy@linux-qxfv:~/Desktop> rpm -qa | grep als
elkhedewy@linux-qxfv:~/Desktop> rpm -qa | grep pulse
elkhedewy@linux-qxfv:~/Desktop> rpm -q libasound2
elkhedewy@linux-qxfv:~/Desktop> uname -a
Linux linux-qxfv #1 SMP 2008-10-21 16:30:26 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
elkhedewy@linux-qxfv:~/Desktop> cat /etc/modprobe.d/sound

options snd slots=snd-hda-intel

u1Nb.FPeEl_lypDB:82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller

alias snd-card-0 snd-hda-intel

and what about the touchbad issue?

elkhedewy, please post the URL here from running that script.

elkhedewy, are you using Gnome? KDE4? or KDE3?

huh… iam sorry :shame:
iam using GNOME,
lsof: WARNING: can’t stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/amr.elkhedewy/.gvfs
Output information may be incomplete.
uploading /tmp/tsalsa.txt to
Uploading /tmp/tsalsa.txt: #-------------------------------------------------] 0.2 Seconds
tsalsa completed in 272 seconds
paste this url in #alsa: tsalsa.txt - (beta)

I guess the sound is higher than before now after i 've moving up the master and PCM volume levels to about 70% .
i made the :
PCM: 100%

front: 96%
cd: 93 %

but the touchbad is still not working.
Thanks for your useful help.

Congratulations on sorting your sound.

I can’t help with the touchpad. Did you check to see if you might have installed some application that caused the touchpad to stop working?

first thank you for helping on the sound issue.
second can u tell me how to know that any application stopped the touchbad?
i mean is there any application stopping the touchbad? and is there anyway to know where the warning at?

You can determine what day/time applications were installed, and possibly come up with a short list then … Simply copy and paste into a gnome-terminal: rpm -qa --last > installed-rpms.txtand open up installed-rpms.txt with a text editor. That will give you an idea as to what you installed around the approximate time immediately before the problem occurred.

i got nothing when i tried to run the command
rpm -qa --last > installed-rpms.txt

is there anyway else?

please go to control panel->sessions, disable “touchpad” and reboot. tell us if it helps.

I believe you made a mistake.

Please type (or copy and paste one line at a time):
rpm -qa --last > installed-rpms.txt
gedit installed-rpms.txt

you are right i made a mistake, i didn’t look for the file on the desktop :slight_smile: anyway u can see the file that i got "its in the code "…i guess the problem appeared at 29 or 28 october

you are right i made a mistake, i didn’t look for the file on the desktop :slight_smile: anyway u can see the file that i got "its in the link "…i guess the problem appeared at 29 or 28 october

Download installed rpms.txt free -

and i got an error message for touchbad:

GSynaptics couldn't initialize.
You have to set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in cd or XF86Config to use GSynaptics


and i found SHMConfig is :


Section "InputDevice"
  Driver       "synaptics"
  Identifier   "Mouse[3]"
  Option       "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
  Option       "Emulate3Buttons" "on"
  Option       "Name" "Touchpad"
  Option       "SHMConfig" "on"
  Option       "Vendor" "Synaptics"
  Option       "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"


and i have another question..i want to know which resolution is the best on linux? i see fonts not well specially the terminal fonts so what should i do for that.

sorry iam a new use for linux so i dont have enough experience.
anyway thanks all for helping and special thanks for user: oldcpu

What repos do you have setup? Looking at that rpm list, it looks to me like you have some experimental repos, which if so, could be the reason you have had both the touchpad breakage and the sound breakage. When I was very new to Linux, I NEVER did a big update, as if there was a problem, I would never be able to track down where the problem came from. …

Anyway, can you post here your repos list? ie post here the output of:
zypper lr

elkhedewy@Elkhedewy-Host:~/Desktop> zypper lr

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh

1 | Index of /repositories/Emulators:/Wine/openSUSE_11.0 | openSUSE BuildService - Wine CVS Builds | Yes | Yes
2 | Main_Repository_(OSS) | Main Repository (OSS) | Yes | Yes
3 | openSUSE_BuildService_-X11:XGL | openSUSE BuildService - X11:XGL | Yes | Yes
4 | openSUSE-11.0-Oss | openSUSE-11.0-Oss | Yes | Yes
5 | VideoLan Repository | VideoLan Repository | Yes | Yes
6 | openSUSE_BuildService | openSUSE BuildService - | Yes | Yes
7 | Index of /repositories/X11:/xfce/openSUSE_11.0 | openSUSE BuildService - XFCE | Yes | Yes
8 | openSUSE_BuildService
-Virtualization(VirtualBox) | openSUSE BuildService - Virtualization (VirtualBox) | Yes | Yes
9 | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes
10 | Index of /pub/packman/suse/11.0 | Packman Repository | Yes | Yes
11 | openSUSE_BuildService_-Games | openSUSE BuildService - Games | Yes | Yes
12 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates_1 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Yes | Yes
13 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | No | No
14 | openSUSE_BuildService
-Mozilla | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla | Yes | Yes
15 | Main_Repository
(NON-OSS) | Main Repository (NON-OSS) | Yes | Yes

IMHO, the above explains what may have caused this. You have too many repos. You have 2 OSS and 2 Non-OSS. You only need one of each.

X11 : XGL is experimental and it is practically guaranteed to break something, whether it be your touchpad, graphics, or something else. Its a good chance that caused you the problem.

Do you actively user xfce ? … Those repos (for x11 : xfce) are also experimental and can cause problems.

I would remove the “build service” as that too can cause problems with experimental apps.

I also would not keep the virtual box repos. It too can cause problems with experimental versions.

If it were me, I would not use videolan. I would use Packman. NOT both at the same time. There are known incompatibilities between these two repos. Unless you are skilled with sorting videolan/packman incompatibility hiccups, I recommend stick with only one, and I prefer Packman myself. But to change back now (to packman) means you would have to replace every videolan installed app (with exception of libdvdcss2) with a packman equivalent.

i donno what to do now …
i have to use linux and i donno what is that .
can u please tell me how to delete all of this **** of packages that may contain a problems?

go to YAST > Software > Software repositories, and setup your repos per my suggestions above. That should stop any further hemorrhaging. Then take a look at the apps you installed since the problem started, and if any are associated with a repos that you removed, roll back to a normal OSS version.

after i delete some of the repos. i found the touchbad working before i loging to anyuser. i mean its working just before i write my username and password. but when i write them and login to genome it doesnt work.

and i did the command again and heres the outpup:

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh

1 | Index of /repositories/Emulators:/Wine/openSUSE_11.0 | openSUSE BuildService - Wine CVS Builds | Yes | Yes
2 | openSUSE_BuildService_-X11:XGL | openSUSE BuildService - X11:XGL | Yes | Yes
3 | openSUSE-11.0-Oss | openSUSE-11.0-Oss | Yes | Yes
4 | VideoLan Repository | VideoLan Repository | Yes | Yes
5 | openSUSE_BuildService | openSUSE BuildService - | Yes | Yes
6 | openSUSE_BuildService
-Virtualization(VirtualBox) | openSUSE BuildService - Virtualization (VirtualBox) | Yes | Yes
7 | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | openSUSE-11.0-Non-Oss | Yes | Yes
8 | Index of /pub/packman/suse/11.0 | Packman Repository | Yes | Yes
9 | openSUSE_BuildService_-Games | openSUSE BuildService - Games | Yes | Yes
10 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates_1 | openSUSE-11.0-Updates | Yes | Yes
11 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | openSUSE-DVD 11.0 | No | No
12 | openSUSE_BuildService
-Mozilla | openSUSE BuildService - Mozilla | Yes | Yes
13 | Main_Repository
(NON-OSS) | Main Repository (NON-OSS) | No | Yes