Totem-xine not found in Packman repositories


I’m having problems with totem. I need to install totem-xine from packman repositories, but when I search for totem in YaST I only find in the MainRepository.

I have the packman repositories enable, and I dont find the totem-xine package.

I tried to install directly in Packman website, but i receive an error. The address is not working.

I know that my problem with codecs is about totem-gstreamer and totem-xine. How can I install totem-xine?

My packman repository address is:
Index of /pub/packman/suse/11.0

And I use openSuse 11.0.

Thank you in advance for the cooperation.

have you tried here Webpin



Thanks God! And thanks you!

Why is so complicated?


Once you get used to the openSUSE Linux way of doing things, you will find this very simple and fast.

The reason why these sort of functions do not work with a basic openSUSE is explained here:
Restricted Formats - openSUSE

So instead one must obtain 3rd party packaged applications to enable the functionality.

No problem,Glad to help,now enjoy :slight_smile:


That means, this packages are like piracy?
Because if there is a patent and I downloaded for free…
I didnt even know about these encoders.

It depends on your country and it depends on the codec. Some codecs are not allowed to be included in an OS (with out the OS producer/packager paying money) but they do allow users to download and use the codec for free.

Other codecs, in some countries, require a fee be paid either by the Operating System producer/packager (if included in the OS) or by the user. But other countries, for the same codec, have no such law.

In the most part, openSUSE, as packaged by Novell/SuSE-GmbH, is crippled proprietary codecs (there was a time when real player, that was included with openSUSE, could play some proprietary codecs, but I have lost track of what is happening there. I don’t use Real Player). Hence one needs 3rd party applications. And one need be aware of the law in their country.

If this reads to be confusing, … well, … it is.

Its best to learn what the law is in your country, and then follow the appropriate path.