Totem (/gnome-videos): Database corrupt – how to reset?

Hi! I use Totem (now called “Videos” in Gnome) on a regular basis and I use it as well to watch online-videos (such as the LinuxActionShow) via the cmd+L/“open internet stream” option; Now here’s my issue: I did add some online videos (it’s three ones), but something must have gone wrong: Now, each of them appears about 100 times in my library (is “library” the correct word? I mean the overview vindow you see when starting Totem…). Just loading the icons takes ages and of course it’s a horrible mess.:open_mouth:
I’d like to simply get rid of these. And it would also be okay if I had to re-import all other videos – I only have few video files saved on my machine.

What I did (but it did not help):

  1. I manually clicked on all 300+ video icons and then on “delete” in Totem
  2. I deleted ~/.config/totem

Any advice is well appreciated!


Well, I don’t use Totem myself, but I would suggest to also remove/rename ~/.local/share/totem/ and ~/.cache/totem/.
One of them probably contains your library/database.

Thanks for the advice – unfortunately, it did not help. Is there maybe somthing such as

 gsettings reset org.gnome.TOTEM(orVIDEOS).Application WHATEVER?! 

to reset it? I still didn’t get this gsettings thing…

Maybe “gsettings reset-recursive org.gnome.totem”?
Or use gconf-editor or dconf-editor to search for/modify totem’s settings manually.

As a test you could also remove the whole GNOME registry, it’s in ~/.config/dconf/ (rename the folder so that you can put it back afterwards).
Although I somehow doubt that Totem would store the whole database there…

I still didn’t get this gsettings thing…

Me neither.
Actually I don’t use GNOME at all either (I do have it installed though).

PS: maybe this is stored in Zeitgeist?
Try to rename/remove ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/ as well.

Or Tracker maybe?
~/.local/share/tracker/ (you should be able to wipe out the index in tracker-preferences too)

Thanks so far,

unfortunately, I could not find anything helpful in dconf-editor; Well – I’ll start videos from my file manager for now and wait for 3.16/18/whatever comes in oS13.3. Thanks anyway!

Well, I would expect for gnome-videos (totem) in 13.3 to use the same database…

Have you tried to move Zeitgeist’s and Tracker’s databases as suggested?

I would rather suspect the former though, because when I start totem here the “library” does show four videos (it’s four times the same video actually :stuck_out_tongue: ) which I opened with totem as a test not too long ago. I do have zeitgeist installed, but not tracker. I will try to find out myself though where this is saved.

But, when I select a video (or more), a button labelled “Delete” appears at the bottom-right of the window. I suppose this would remove them from the library.
Don’t you have that? (Edit: ah ok, you mention that this doesn’t help in the original post, sorry…)
And if I click on the “x selected” button at the top of the window, I can choose to “Select All” or “Select None”. So I would suggest to try to choose “Select All” and then click on “Delete”.

Hm. The “Delete” button does indeed not really work. When I restart totem, the videos are back.
I would call this a bug.
There is another GNOME update pending for 13.2, but I don’t see anything regarding this in the changelog…

And removing zeitgeist’s data doesn’t help either.

But I found it, it’s stored in ~/.local/share/grilo-plugins/. Removing that folder removes the video list as well…

So this seems to be provided by libgrilo.
You probably might want to uninstall grilo-plugins, the package description says this:

Grilo is a framework for browsing and searching media content from
various sources using a single API.

This package provides plugins for accessing content from various media
providers, including podcasts, Apple trailers, Flickr,
Jamendo, Vimeo, YouTube.

Similar packages are grilo-plugin-youtube, and grilo-plugin-dleyna. Those are plugins for “accessing content from Youtube” and “a UPnP/DLNAprovider” respectively.

You cannot uninstall libgrilo itself though.

→ That’s good. Not that I understood what I was doing, but moving ~/.local/share/grilo-plugins/ to ~/.local/share/grilo-plugins-backup/ immediately solved the issue. Kudos!