Toshiba Satellite Pro: the return of the old fan control problem in 12.3

I’ve always added the grub option acpi_osi=“Linux” to deal with the well-known issue of the fan coming on at full blast at some point and then not stopping when temps are down again (in openSUSE 11.4 and 12.2, didn’t need it for some reason under 12.1 I seem to remember…). Now after upgrading to 12.3 (and I mean upgrading, rather than my normal fresh install in case it matters in relation to this), the issue is back and the grub option no longer works. At least it doesn’t work from a fresh boot or reboot, it does, strangely enough, work after sending the laptop to sleep and then waking it up again.
Any ideas why 12.3 sees this regression? Anyone else experiencing this? Also it doesn’t shut down properly without a hard power off using the power button. It appears to be shutting down and then attempt a half-hearted reboot ending in a grey screen with no apparent disk activity.

Don’t do this unless you want to damage your Harddisk.
Is the shutdown problem present in a freshly created user ?

I had the same issue on a Thinkpad. Very annoying. One workaround was to hibernate the computer, afterwards the fan was back to normal. But I always had the idea that this might have been a kernel bug. So I upgraded and with a 3.8 kernel (but which one?) it was gone.

Another workaround might be to start Powertop and to shoot everything not needed into energy save modus. But beware, once the external keyboard stopped working, I hit the USB port connected to it … :shame:

What else but hard powerdown? The disk heads were safely parked anyway.
But back to the issue: both issues (fan control and shutdown) disappear after a quick suspend/sleep. Any explanations for that, anyone?

As mentioned in the previous message, no hibernation needed here. Just suspend/sleep will do.
I also suspect the new kernel, as there were no issues (other than requiring “acpi_osi=Linux”) with 12.2.


Maybe your problem is the same as here:

you should also look at this:

that means there were a problem in new kernels (from 3.7) with fan control. Now is solved in kernel 3.8.12 and 3.9.1

the following is the kernel bug and the corresponding patch.

56591 – HP/Compaq NC6000 fan speed regression on 3.7+

It seems kernel 3.7 is not going to receive new patches so i don’t know if openSuse will create it’s own to solve this problem

hope this could help.

Thanks for that!

Had the same problem after upgrading to 12.3 on Toshiba Satellite R850-153. The fan ran at full speed after boot and could be silenced only with going to sleep mode and back. No problems with shutting down though.
The kernel patch linked by migcr solved it. Thanks!
