Toshiba M30x-128 laptop, no acpi!

Hi all,

I have a Toshiba M30x-128 laptop, and I have been having some problems with the acpi function, that I had never had with other versions of opensuse (like 10.2, etc).

When I try to install the OS it simply shutsdown my computer. When I turn off the acpi function it installs and works fine.

The problem is that I can’t have the energy management using the pc. It always works at full power, lcd light and no battery information, when powering down it always waits user to use the power button.

Can anyone help me to fix that??

Thanks in advance. Best regards.


install KPowersave
are you sure acpi not installed?

try like
ramaswamy@linux-u8mt:~> acpi -t
Battery 1: charged, 100%
Thermal 1: ok, 58.0 degrees C

if it says acpi not found you can install with yast
i dont see any reason why acpi not working in a laptop while installing.

in toshiba tecra 9000 did not have any problems with acpi

if you have not updated much yet try zypper update
it may bring in acpi
or even i would suggest zypper dup

without acpi laptop battery can be in trouble.
sort it out asap.

I installed Kpowersave.
Now it says it is always plugged to power :slight_smile: Seems that in this way itis now working very well.

I searched with yast2 and I found the acpi program instaled on my system but it is now working at all.
These are the results when I try do do what you said:

linux-qhga:/home/odones # acpi
No ACPI support in kernel, or incorrect acpi_path ("/proc/acpi").
linux-qhga:/home/odones # acpid
acpid: can’t open /proc/acpi/event: No such file or directory
linux-qhga:/home/odones #

When installing the system it simply shuts down when probing system, and one time when I plugged power in because battery was running low.
From that time I tryied to install using the boot option “noacpi” and all worked fine, but without these funcionitns working.

I had already used the zypper update and zypper dup that you entioned and it is still the same.

how can i update the kernel with acpi support? Any ideas?

I had the same problems when installing UBUNTU 8.04 and Ubuntu 8.10.


I have the same problem. could anyone help us on this issue.

here are my background problem:
My notebook is Toshiba Satellite M305D-S4830.

On the setup time. If i continued with default kernel, it would display blank screen with no longer activity. Then i restarted the computer then continued with safe settings. It then installed the opensuse in my notebook.

try modprobe toshiba
if it returns without an message
dir /proc will show you toshiba in it.
are any function keys working?
can you change the brightness with Fn +F6 and +F7
you can try to reinstall from scratch in terminal
start with 3 option in kernel choice
then login root in cd boot.
yast2 you can start
try and give the errors you get

also right click on kpowersave and see the configurations
change it as per requirements it will complain about acpi not running.

hi Ramaswamyps

I am newbies but i tried to follow your instruction:

  1. try modprobe toshiba:
    /sbin#./modprobe toshiba_acpi
    FATAL: Error inserting toshiba_acpi (/lib/modules/ No such devices

  2. are any function keys working? can you change the brightness with Fn +F6 and +F7:
    answers: no

  3. you can try to reinstall from scratch in terminal start with 3 option in kernel choice then login root in cd boot. yast2 you can start try and give the errors you get
    answers: i dont know how to do this

thank you for your reply

this means reinstall.
boot with cd
while kernel comes up press 3
it will boot to console login
login root
then at prompt# /sbin/yast2 live-installer

installer will start
before starting installer check if acpi is loaded
by typing acpi -t
if you get errors post here.


I also have problems with my Toshiba Satellite M305D S4830. I succeeded in installing OpenSuse11.1. The only way I could do it was by heving the kernel with acpi=off. But, I can only turn the machine off by pressing the power button. Another anoying issue was the modem, I almost got it working.

Any ideas on

  1. in /proc I have no toshiba in in it.

  2. yes, the function keys works on my laptop.

  3. when trying to install the source dvd have some option: when I login as root, the system shuts down just when I hit enter :S

I assume it happened because I used the default kernel. When I do it with default - without acpi it works … as before.

Still didn´t manage to make it work :stuck_out_tongue:
Maybe in the next release.
