Torn screen when at 4k@120hz after Tumbleweed 2024-10-05

I will report it as a bug then.
Although I’m a bit unsure on what to report exactly.

I’m thinking it might be a good idea to try to isolate the package causing the issue, if possible.
Maybe upgrading them one by one, starting with the kernel, and seeing when it breaks?

Do you have any suggestion/tips on how do this, or what I should start with?
I usually just do zypper dup…

Thanks for your help so far!

I expect a concise summary of what this thread contains, plus a link to it, inxi -GSaz output, and attaching an image showing the tearing, should be enough to get a developer response asking for specific additional information needed. Reading first may be useful, though it hasn’t had an update in 8 years.

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I don’t use OS anymore, but I have a similar issue with Vanilla OS and every Fedora with Kernel 6.11+ up to the latest 6.12-rc7 (I think).
This is a fedora post: External Monitor Not Working at Full Resolution on Fedora 41 with Kernel 6.11.5-300 - #2 by prankst3r - Fedora Discussion

I will link the bugreport with later.

Regards, Prankst3r

Redhat bugreport:

Have to add pics of the bug with 2 monitors and report it to kernel bugzilla and some more. Haven’t found out what causes the problem with 6.11+…

Hi, thanks for adding more info to the case.

I have created this bug report on bugzilla.opensuse 1233414 – Torn screen when at 4k@120hz after Tumbleweed 2024-10-05 where I was then asked to create an issue on gitlab.freedesktop which can be found here:

Okay, I looked through them.

It’s def the kernel. Try 6.10.9 and it will work.

But so far I haven’t found out what causes the issue in the kernel. 6.11.8 didn’t fix it either. Should be amdgpu related. But dmesg/journalctl doesn’t have any output regarding errors which would cause that.

Thanks for checking it out.

I want to try installing 6.10.9, but I don’t know where to get it from.
The oldest I can find is 6.11.x in this repo

It should be possible to take a kernel from another release:

Did you find some time to test other/older kernels with an updated system?
I experience the same bug with VanillaOS2 and kernel 6.11.7 (afair). Last known working kernel was 6.10.x. Haven’t found a way to downgrade the kernel or reinstall it with an older one to reproduce it.

Looks like I have to build the kernel myself and report it upstream, because so far we are only 2 guys with the exact same problem. Affected kernels are 6.11+ and affected apus are your 4700u and my 5850u.

I haven’t managed to find the 6.10.x kernel to install.

I still have the working snapshot with the 6.10.x kernel on it.
I’m thinking of rolling back and upgrading just (or everything but) the kernel to test.

I would make a backup just in case anything goes wrong!

My plan for the weekend is to find out what went wrong and trying to compile working and affected kernels by myself for Fedora 41. I maybe try TW for that too and if so, I’ll maybe find out to install/find older kernels.

Today I received a new laptop with an AMD apu (7535hs) and an rtx 4060. If the HDMI is connected to the iGPU, I’ll maybe able to reproduce it on a third system. But I’ll see.

I’ll keep you updated!

Edit:wrong apu model hs instead of u

It looks like I didn’t have to restore a snapshot after all.
I was able to just boot into the OS by choosing the 6.10.11 kernel, that was thankfully not yet purged, in the bootloader.

The display problem does indeed go away when using the 6.10.11 kernel.


just saw this thread and can confirm that this exact problem is happening to me as well:

  • hardware: asrock deskmini x300: AMD 4650G CPU/APU
  • os: opensuse slowroll

tried the live iso from latest ubuntu 24.10 briefly: also torn screen, when trying to switch to 4k@120Hz.

seems to be an AMD problem with newer kernels and/or newer AMD Firmware.


Edit: DE: Gnome.

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