
Всем привет

Это пожалуй самая вкусная вакансия в Novell в Нюрнберге.

openSUSE News � We’re a happy family – The Boosters are hiring!


уже подал CV?

У меня другой контракт. Я еще год тут должен ходить в универ и написать диплом естественно, а потом посмотрим… и менять контракт мне нельзя :frowning:


The Quality Assurance Team of SUSE in Nuremberg/Germany is offering two positions:

  • Software Engineer in Test
  • Quality Assurance Engineer

Further details can be found at
An error has occurred.

А по русски?

По-русски: шли быстрее свое резюме Надин и Хольги!

совсем ленивый стал

We’re looking for passionate Qt and KDE developers !! | kdedevelopers.org

So, as looking that everyone is in the hiring mode…

Yes, Collabora is hiring. So if you are passionate for open source, want join a company that share the same passion as well, want to work from any place in the world and have at least some of these skills below, then we want to know you.

* Qt
* Qml ( Qt Quick )
* C++
* WM and Graphics(3D, GL/GLES, X, Mesa) as a plus 

Consider yourself a serious KDE hacker? Don’t be shy, we want to know you too ! KDE is an important part of our lives now.

Then, what are you waiting for ?