Проблема при копировании файлов с фтп

Всем привет, у меня суся 11.2. Возникла проблемка - при копировании файлов с фтп - в какой-то момент скорость падает в ноль и система виснет, причём это не зависит от того, каким клиентом я пользуюсь. Товарищ посоветовал мне обновить ядро. Я обновил ядро до linux-2.6.34, но это не решило проблему.
Может кто-нибудь подскажет ответ - буду очень признателен.

I am sorry to reply in English. я по-руский нет-знает. (Only a little and took Google translate’s help to write the last line. Sorry for incorrect grammer)

It seems that you are facing problem in transferring file from ftp. No matter what client you use, your speed drops to zero and it stops.

Well, does it happen with ftp only? Don’t you face the same problem in http transfers? What is your connection type. Did you try any other ftp site? The problem might be site specific. What is your NIC? Do you need a network driver? These questions must be answered before actually understanding your problem. Sorry for not being able to help at this stage.

It happen with ftp only. All Http transfers works correctly. About connection - i connect to ftp server by using local net. I tryed to copy from different ftp adresses and with different ftp client, but in all case recived the same result.Before this i used suse11.1 - and all worked correctly. But after upgrade, this problem appear.

Hi Alex,

Do you have firewall on? Can you please post the output of
the following command (issue the command only after you have tried to connect the ftp)

netstat |grep ftp