I was playing around with compiz-fusion settings (kde4, suse11.0) and afterwards I had a horizontal bar of black across the top of the screen, about an inch wide. I can’t drag windows into this area, or move icons there, but my mouse goes there no worries, and when i fullscreen things (videos,pictures) it works fine. Login screens acts normally. Has anybody encountered this before? I’m at a real loss to what it might be.
bumpity bump
I’m sure this has something to do with amarok…
alt-tab through to amarok reveals the title bar and the menus (engage, playlist, mode etc). As soon as alt-tab is released, these two “bars” disappear to black, hence the missing top inch of the screen. No idea as yet how to fix it. Anyone had similar problems?
After Upgrading my kernel I found a strange problem. The top left of my screen cannot be clicked on, icons are dead, as are widgets, windows,etc. I suspect it could be a notification for Pulse, emails, etc. If they are not closed straight away I have to logout/in to remove. Downgraded the kernel again(Compiz not working, no audio, slow, etc…) and that still has not helped. Happens when running KDE/Gnome. Not sure how to fix this yet