Top 5-10 Applications?

I was wondering if any of you users, with a great deal of experience with openSUSE… would be able to compile a list of the top 5-10 applications to install for opensuse that don’t come along with the dvd… :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to make it more interesting…

Things like:

-Google Earth
-VLC Media Player

maybe any multimedia software packages…

I would be very grateful! :slight_smile: Thanks! lol!

Things that I need to install:



kolourpaint (not sure if it’s on the dvd or not)

lacie lightscribe app

tovid / devede / mandvd / your favorite authoring tool

for me WINE

Wow thanks!

Some of these look really interesting! :smiley:

For me?..Hmmm…Only 5?
Wine/Photoshop CS
Civilization 4 (via Wine)

I’d also have to add various Firefox extensions along with proprietary accelerated 3D video drivers, Notepad++ (via Wine). My list could go on…:wink:

I’d go with:

Google Earth
mplayer plug-in for Firefox
Quanta Plus (I’m not a web designer, just a hobby!)
The un-crippled version of KTorrent from the Packman repo

i only have four which are not on the DVD, that i can’t live without :slight_smile:

  1. bluefish – for web page construction
  2. bzflag – 3D kill tanks game
  3. skype – to talk around the world, free
    4.firefox add-ons
  • Adblock Plus
  • Adblock Filterset.G Updater
  • Clear fields
  • FireFTP 1.0
  • FireFTP button
  • mediaplayerconnectivity
  • NoScript
  • Tiny Menu
  • User Agent Switcher
  • Flagfox
  • Forecastfox
  • No Squint
  • Stop Autoplay

see caveat:
DenverD (Linux Counter 282315) via NNTP, Thunderbird, KDE
3.5.7, SUSE Linux 10.3, #1 SMP i686 athlon

For me it’s:

Also, I always get rid of beagle after I install opensuse.

Sorry, Thunderbird and Quanta come on the DVD :shame:

Its okay if its on the dvd, :slight_smile: I just meant things you have to install yourself, from the net or dvd. I should of said “not installed by default” but thats okay! :smiley:

Thanks all for your suggestions. I’m going to spend all my time now looking into the ones ive never herd of and enjoy the power of linux! :slight_smile:

I installed Grip earlier and my experience with using this software was A*