My default desktop is gnome but I have the kde_base pattern installed on the side. Tomahawk plays music well on KDE but on GNOME pressing play does nothing. It’s as if the track gets paused at 0:00
Here’s the output :SUSE Paste
Please provide more info: openSUSE version, repos used:
zypper lr -d
Here is a list of added repos. Please bear in mind that many of them are actually disabled.
| Alias | Name -](
I’m using openSUSE tumbleweed based on Dartmouth. The issue was valid even before I made the switch to Tumbleweed from 12.3
That’s a bit of a “repo mess”. The instructions for the move to Tumbleweed f.e. explicitely mentions to use the “current” repos, TW, Packman for TW.
If multimedia programs don’t work as expected, mostly the cause is in the default “crippled” packages, where one should use the ones from Packman.
To solve only this issue, a
zypper dup --from Tumbleweed\ Packman
should correct that.
I fixed my “repo mess” by removing the factory repos and adding the packman multimedia repos and the problem still persists. It might be worth mentioning that before I switched to Tumbleweed, I ran 12.3 for 2-3 weeks and even then Tomahawk wouldn’t would on GNOME under the 12.3 repos. I’ve also attempted to switch the backend from gstreamer to phonon-VLC as suggested by community contributor on the tomahawk forums but that didn’t help either.