Todays update (320+ updates) borked my TW UEFI boot details

Today I had a large update which I know included grub etc and on a re-boot it had completely removed my capability to boot Tumbleweed on my PC, the only bootable systems were an oldish LEAP 42.1 install and Windows XP both of which were on separate HDDs. All the stuff needed to boot my TW EFI system had to be reinstalled using a rescue TW system and chroot having mounted all the required partitions. This is not the first time this has happened and I’d rather like to prevent it happening again. My TW system is mounted on SDB and LEAP on SDA and each time the update process updates grub this happens. Before it was

So if anyone might be able to suggest how I can prevent this in future please inform me.


626 updates here (many from “texlive”). But it hasn’t finished yet so I don’t know if it will reboot. I am not expecting problems.

EFI booting should be less likely to go wrong.

If you can boot Leap, then update the bootloader there and it should have a menu entry to boot Tumbleweed. But maybe that boots in legacy mode rather than UEFI mode – or, at least, you have not told us how your other systems boot.

When this happened before I could not re-install from Leap so a TW rescue system was the only way and it works and now TW boots just fine. Although the Leap system has an EFI partition I dont think it was installed using EFI, at least not that I remember.


Should I repeat my answer in the previous thread - start with telling us what you actually see on screen. “Lost ability to boot” is not really helpful. Provide the same information that was already requested there.

Well there is nothing to see on the screen because I shutdown my TW system after the update, and when I re-booted the PC it booted into Leap, if I try to boot from the HDD manually which contains the TW system the hardware cannot boot it and selects the next bootable HDD which happens to be XP. First HDD is Leap, second is TW and third is XP. If I remember correctly Leap and of course XP are not EFI. All the EFI boot information has been deleted by the update process so the hardware has no way to boot TW. After the chroot and grub2-install has been done using the rescue system the efi information has been replaced and the hard ware will boot from this HDD. This is exactly as happened before and you can see all the same information in the other thread I quoted, which also describes exactly what happened previously and how I recovered it then and now…


Could you please record “efibootmgr -v” output, run “update-bootloader --reinit”, record “efibootmgr -v” output and compare. IIRC you also were not able to use update-bootloader last time; anf that is what happens on update.

OK been doing some testing on this. Firstly the verbose command does not work in TW

Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # efibootmgr -V
version 0.12
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0001,0002,0003
efibootmgr: Could not parse device path: No such file or directory
Boot0000* opensuseTumbleweed:/home/stuart #

although it does in Leap (booted from the TW grub)

Leap4main:/home/stuart # efibootmgr -V
version 0.6.0
Leap4main:/home/stuart # efibootmgr -v
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0001,0002,0003
Boot0000* opensuse      HD(1,800,61800,2eca2750-fed6-4e3f-887f-27f183020fda)File(\EFI\opensuse\grubx64.efi)
Boot0001* Hard Drive    BIOS(2,0,00)
Boot0002* CD/DVD Drive  BIOS(3,0,00)
Boot0003* Removable Drive       BIOS(1,0,00)Generic-USB3.0 CRW-CF/MD1.00.
Leap4main:/home/stuart # 

Next I booted TW and did as you requested although could not use the -v command plus I also ran grub2-install afterwards to put it back to how I know it boots, I will try to boot it without doing that but right now I need to do somethings before testing that.

Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0000,0001,0002,0003
Boot0000* opensuse
Boot0001* Hard Drive
Boot0002* CD/DVD Drive
Boot0003* Removable Drive
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # update-bootloader --reinit
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0000
Timeout: 1 seconds
BootOrder: 0004,0000,0001,0002,0003
Boot0000* opensuse
Boot0001* Hard Drive
Boot0002* CD/DVD Drive
Boot0003* Removable Drive
Boot0004* opensuse-secureboot
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # grub2-install
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart # efibootmgr
BootCurrent: 0000                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Timeout: 1 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                 
BootOrder: 0000,0001,0002,0003                                                                                                                                                                                     
Boot0000* opensuse                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Boot0001* Hard Drive                                                                                                                                                                                               
Boot0002* CD/DVD Drive                                                                                                                                                                                             
Boot0003* Removable Drive                                                                                                                                                                                          
Tumbleweed:/home/stuart #        

Interesting to see the older Leap efibootmgr works in verbose mode but the new TW one does not.


This actually looks pretty sane; at least it actually shows openSUSE boot entries that were missing in your case (at least, in your previous case because we have no information from current one).

plus I also ran grub2-install afterwards to put it back to how I know it boots

Well, we still do not know if it boots after update-bootloader or not.

Interesting to see the older Leap efibootmgr works in verbose mode but the new TW one does not.

That’s definitely something for bugzilla. It may be related (if it fails in the middle of script and script aborts before adding boot entries).

I also tested the efibootmgr -v on my laptop which has a new vanilla TW install in efi mode and it also fails on that so I am confident that there is a bug.

I’ll raise a buzgzilla report for that.

I will try to boot after a run of the update-bootloader --reinit and see what happens, but I’ll do that later.


Bugzilla bug #993458 created for the TW efibootmgr --verbose failure.


Just tried a boot following the update-bootloader --reinit and it booted OK, if I go into the hardware setup I can see that there are two boot entries opensuse-secureboot which was added by the update command and the opensuse one which grub2-install initially added.

So we are no nearer at this stage knowing why the update borked the settings. I did the update via the Software Updates process running in the systray, not by using commandline zypper update if that makes any difference.


Updated yesterday, now my vbox TW session boots to text prompt, there’s a lot of non-typical messages on the screen, and it won’t unmount and shutdown properly.

4.356150] Oops: 0010 #1] PREEMPT SMP
… VirtualBox 5.0.26 … drm_fb_helper …

Probably unrelated to OP’s problem.


There is a known problem with the virtualbox video driver:

Thanks! And wow, that thread is an alarming train wreck.

Hm, what do you mean with that?

The VirtualBox build problems have been solved, an update to the latest version has been submitted to Factory 3 days ago, which will hopefully fix this problem (and will bring back the 32bit packages again that failed to build for some time).

And the nvidia problems are “business as usual”…

Or do you mean that “recommendation” to use KVM instead?

Just the way the devs appear to talk to each other, heh.

I’m assuming this bug is fixed now as I just did a zypper up and efibootmgr was updated, so the -v option now works as it should and displays the correct output on Tumbleweed so here’s hoping the issues I have had are resolved now.


The update reports (in the factory mailing list) specifically mentions that bug 993458 is addressed by this update.