Today's C?

Dear all,
I have not written any c code since my bachelor studies (10 years since that time?.. oh god)

I would like to go back to that habit and using c for doing a bit of network programming (ip, dns e.t.c)

My first job would be to do repeat the book Kernighan-Ritchie and then I will continue with the Unix network programming guide. (anything else to suggest here?)

Then I would like to ask you, then what are today’s
-decent editors for c? Do they have some integrated help, do they have some autocompletion, or remind you for example what type the variable would be?
-debug the code and understand why this run time error occurs.
-is there also any gui that can integrated the two aforementioned (editing and debugging?)

I would like to thank you in advance for your help



Eclipse or Netbeans will probably be your best bet - they both offer a good IDE…



I use KDevelop4 for larger C projects …


Yeah K&R is the obvious first step, you might also want to check what has changed/is changing for the new C11 standard.

I use Emacs and it is great, but as it sounds like you want an IDE Eclipse and Netbeans are both good.

GDB is a excellent debugger and DDD is a GUI for it if you don’t want to live in the command line. Also, Valgrind is a great tool for checking for memory errors.

Kind regards,
Barry D. Nichols

On Tue, 14 Feb 2012, alaios wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have not written any c code since my bachelor studies (10 years since
> that time?.. oh god)
> I would like to go back to that habit and using c for doing a bit of
> network programming (ip, dns e.t.c)
> My first job would be to do repeat the book Kernighan-Ritchie and then
> I will continue with the Unix network programming guide. (anything else
> to suggest here?)
> Then I would like to ask you, then what are today’s
> -decent editors for c? Do they have some integrated help, do they have
> some autocompletion, or remind you for example what type the variable
> would be?
> -debug the code and understand why this run time error occurs.
> -is there also any gui that can integrated the two aforementioned
> (editing and debugging?)
> I would like to thank you in advance for your help
> B.R
> Alex
> –
> alaios
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> alaios’s Profile:
> View this thread:

I would like to thank everyone for their kind answers. I have installed eclipse and kdevelop… as I was not able to understand how to launch netbeans (Even though all my packages that I found in Yast where installed).

I will post soon more feedback


I have started using eclipse :).
It does exactly what I want… one minor thing is remaining though…

I have downloaded and extracted eclipse under my ~/Downloads folder… Where should I move it so the binary to be visible from console and under which permissions should be the folder containing eclipse and its files to be set?

I would like to thank you in advance for your help



You can put it in any normal folder in your home dir
just create a shortcut in your ~/bin folder to the executable and leave the permissions as they are.



It will be just nice to have the executable visible from konsole or when I press in kde alt+f2 to be able to write the name there.


Any updates on that? Where to put my eclipse folder so to be visible from konsole and alt+f2(in kde)?


Well, did you do what I said earlier? Doing so will achieve just what you want!


No :frowning:
this is where eclipse now is ( “…” replaces the username and hostname)

...@...:~/bin/eclipse> pwd

...@...:~/bin/eclipse> ls -l
insgesamt 620
-rwxr-xr-x  1 ... users  71023 21. Mär 2011  eclipse


So, in your ~/bin folder create a link to to the executable. Do you know how to do that?

(man ln)


So the konsole and (alt+f2) do not read the folders recursively? Is not that weird?