Hello! I recently installed openSUSE-Leap-42,2 to my new Intel NUC5CPYH. Suse is nice and works well. But when I try to read the displayed version of my local newspaper (www.kaleva.fi) it asks me to install Adobe Flash Player. Adobe even kindly offers a rpm-package of the program but I can not get SUSE to do the rest needed.
I have read the advice here, but gentlemen: I am 82 and have some heart and head problems so please understand, I needed some method somehow as simple or nearly as simple as with the Linuxes realative of Ubuntu for ex. Bodhi Linux 4.0, where I only type in terminal “apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras”. Something the same with YUM or zypper or anything I simply could copy and paste to the terminal :shame:
Yours Opa
A Flash-Player package is available from Packman, which you need anyway for full multimedia support.
I would suggest to follow the guide here if you haven’t added the Packman repo already:
This won’t install flash-player, but as it adds the repo you can simply do that with YaST->Software Management afterwards or just run:
sudo zypper in flash-player
That only works with Firefox though, if you use Chromium, you need flash-player-ppapi instead.
Thank you very much. Now the Flash Player works lol!
An other problem: sometimes Firefox crashes. I also have experiences that Opera uses resources efectively than Firefox. I have Opera in my other Linux installations, but it is available as a deb-package. Free from Debian. Can opera become installed to SUSE also 
Opera is included in openSUSE, in the non-oss repo that should be active by default.
Just search for it in YaST->Software Management, or run:
sudo zypper in opera
But I don’t think current Opera versions can use Netscape plugins (isn’t it based on Chrome/Chromium?).
You may have to install flash-player-ppapi (also available in Packman) to have Flash in Opera.
sudo zypper flash-player-ppapi