After reading this: I stumbled with a really scary section that says:


To avoid filesystem corruption on btrfs formatted partitions, set:


That page links to the following issue:

After installing and enabling TLP I didn’t used with the battery for more than half an hour just in case this issue could occur.

Although the issue was reported with a Lenovo x240 (I have a Dell Latitude E6440), I’m afraid this issue may happen.

Does anyone has experienced this issue? Is the TLP default configuration safe to use with BTRFS? Does anyone tested it?

Update: I’ve been using the laptop for some hours with battery and TLP enabled and I could not see any error log related to the SATA link or btrfs.
I checked using:

smartctl -l error /dev/sdb
journactl | grep btrfs
journactl | grep ata

Well that link is a couple years old. Things change :wink:

Maybe, but take a look at this: Reddit - Dive into anything
It’s from 2016.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet :wink: So how does something in Arch relate to openSUSE, 42.2 was released last month… seven months after that thread… a lot can happen in that time. If it’s a concern, rather than wondering, raise a bug and get confirmation as to whether it is applicable or not to the openSUSE releases…

openSUSE:Submitting bug reports - openSUSE

No??? :open_mouth:

Does that mean I have to rethink 90% of the things I believe??? :cry:

Don’t unsettle me now…I’ve got you down as one of my trusted sources :smiley:

But the internet is always right! (OK no, but sometimes do).

I know that 7 months have passed but I wanted to make sure if it was a known issue.
I’ve got no issues so far, I’ll report a bug if I encounter any problem with TLP and Btrfs.


So, Half-Life 3 won’t come out next year? hahaha