Time Format

How do I change the time format? I want 21:30, not 9:30 PM.

Which Desktop might help.

In KDE4, Configure Settings=>Locale

Where? Are you in KDE, Gnome, or something else? Are you seeing this
time format from something on the command line?

I use 24-hour time on my laptop in KDE and I’m sure I changed it by
right-clicking on the click and then choosing ‘Digital Clock Settings’.

Good luck.

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in plasma 5 the setting is initially set by your locale selection (as it was in KDE 4 I think).
If you want to change it simply right click on the clock and choose “digital clock settings” and uncheck or check “use 24 hour clock”

this is assuming you mean the taskbar clock

Yes, assumptions, assumptions.

I am always amazed by the answers based on assumptions (because the OP fails to explain much).

While this shows the willingness of people here to help (very laudable), OTOH I am not sure if this contributes to understandable threads. :\

I am using openSUSE Leap 42.1, with KDE.

In older version (like openSUSE 13.1), you can change the time format in Configure Desktop > Locale > Date & Time.

In 42.1, I do not see any way to change the Time Format. The closest thing I found is in Configure Desktop > Regional Settings > Date & Time - but all you can do is pick a pre-defined Time Zone.

I do see that you can change the Digital Clock Settings for the taskbar clock (Use 24-hour Clock), but I can not find a more global setting for “everything else”…

Desktop setting are only for the current user global system settings are in yast.

Be sure you are running systemsettings5 otherwise you maybe running the older KDE4 version

I meant global, as in every application I run; not global, as in every user.

Yes, when I run Settings > Configure Desktop, it is running systemsettings5.

Also, when I change the Digital Clock Settings to “Use 24-hour Clock”, it displays the time as “7:30” - it should be (and has been in past versions) “07:30”. Is there any way to fix this?


KDE, Using 24 hrs works for me but I have not found a setting that displays the leading 0 nor a way to get rid of the ‘:’ between hh:mm. I.E., I can get 7:30 but not 0730.

Ist did a trial intall of eap 42.1 with KDE.

My observation:

  • In earler KDE you could, through settiings, choose all srts of formats. Including the way you want time displayed.
  • Now it allows you to choose for a country and then you get what KDE people think you have to use because you are in that country.

I am still a bit baffled about this way of thinnkiing. Will do more testing and come back.

There’s a much commented on bug report concerning the inability to customise date and time formats.


Oh boy, that is something similar to the one about not being able to see which of the several desktops you have is showing. It seems that some people are willingly destroying features that are offered already for more then 10 years. >:)

Thanks for looking into this. I thought it was a bit odd to loose such basic functionality when upgrading to a newer version…

Really seems to be getting out-of-hand and ridiculous, doesn’t it?>:)

Okay, so I just read through that bug. It looks like this has been going on for over a year, with no indication that anyone is doing anything to fix it.

How long are we going to keep getting security updates for openSUSE 13.1? I don’t see how I can “upgrade” to Leap 42.1, when they can’t get such simple things fixed…

openSUSE 13.1 is targeted to become Evegreen and a such will get security updates for quite some time.

It is btw not so much openSUSE itself, but KDE that has all these regressions. I for myself might try if another DE fits my needs.

Me, too. I am keeping my eyes open for some replacement. Faintest hope? I have my fingers tightly crossed that the political disturbances cause a split at KDE the same as what happened at OpenOffice, then we might get a LibreKDE … lol!

Something like the Trinity DE project perhaps? :stuck_out_tongue:

I recall when KDE4 was first released (circa 2008?) there were significant issues that were largely resolved over time, but at least KDE 3 was still offered/supported concurrently for quite some time, which mitigated some of the pain for impacted users. Anyway, despite all of that I’m finding little issue with openSUSE Leap, Plasma 5 (run as a VM guest currently).

The issues always depend very much on what you use in your daily “work” with a system at the moment and what is not possible any more in the new version.

On openSUSE 13,1 I am runnning the KDE that belongs to it (4.11.5 I guess), but I use the KDE PIM applications (Kmail, Kaddressbook, etc.) from KDE 3.5 because some features (like using a shared VCard directory as addressbook between users) are gone in KDE5 PIM. Showstoppers. I am still searching for a replacement for PIM software because any progress in restoring these features is not to be seen.

The desktop itself gave no problems until now. Most of the new and useless ((to me) features can be switched of or ignored, but now they are removing things like different backgrounds for different virtual desktops (something existing since CDE in the 1990s) and not being able to simply set ones preference for short date displaying to YYYY-MM-DD. I stumble into this from usage moment #1,
because they are basic to my usage of the DE. And they are those things that the end-user experiences. I can not go to my end-users (including myself) and say:

You like what you have? Fine, Then now I will break it down and give you sometthing completely different in which you can not see on which virtual desktop you are, nor can I present you with a date that isn’t multi-intepretable. Be glad, it is called “improvement”. Success with your productivity! (this realy sounds like some Dilbert case)

Yes, it’s very disappointing to observe these ‘regressions’. Are we sure that some Gnome developers are not helping to progress KDE and make it more ‘minimalist’? (Sorry, couldn’t resist the joke) lol!